ZOA Action Alert: Stop Natl Education Assn. Anti-Israel Resolutions at Upcoming Mtg.


Three Million American Teachers to Consider Becoming Advocates for Palestinian Arabs in Their War Against the Jewish State of Israel 

ALERT: The National Education Association, a labor union with some three million members, teachers, and in other capacities ranging from pre-kindergarten to undergraduate college education, will vote on two virulently anti-Jewish items of business at the group’s annual meeting and representative assembly beginning on June 30. The meeting and assembly will be virtual this year. The text of these two resolutions in their entirety is below in the “Background” section. One calls for “support for the Palestinian struggle for justice and call on the United States government to stop arming and supporting Israel and Saudi Arabia.” The other strives “to educate members and the general public about the history, culture, and struggles of Palestinians, including the negative impact on Palestinian Children in regards to access to a quality education, and the recognition and existence of the State of Palestine.” Neither mentions the violence against Jews or the official incitement of Jew-hatred. The NEA says it “has affiliate organizations in every state and in more than 14,000 communities across the United States.” 

ACTION: Are you a schoolteacher (current or retired)? Do you know any schoolteachers or others who work in education? Time is of the essence! You or someone you know may be an NEA delegate who will have an opportunity to vote against the measures below. As soon as possible, please try to locate NEA delegates via social media, your email contacts, your congregation, or groups you are affiliated with, or via other avenues.

Strongly encourage them to vote against both of these measures as each supports activities and positions that are detrimental to the well-being of the Jewish community.

In addition: This is not the first time that anti-Jewish measures that call for supporting the Palestinian Arab war against the Jewish people have been brought before the NEA annual meeting and representative assembly. Even if we are successful in defeating the two anti-Jewish measures in the vote next week, it is obvious that the activists behind these measures will raise them again next year.

Please Ask Any NEA Members Who You Know to Pro-Actively try to block anti-Jewish measures from being considered by NEA delegates and also work to get pro-Jewish/pro-Israel measures that affirmatively support the Jewish state on the agenda for next year’s NEA meeting and assembly. If you or anyone you know would like help drafting them, please reach out to ZOA. 

BACKGROUND: The National Education Association, the largest organization of schoolteachers in America with three million members. The annual meeting and Representative Assembly “is the primary legislative and policymaking body of the Association …. The Representative Assembly adopts the strategic plan and budget, resolutions, the Legislative Program, and other policies of the Association. Delegates vote by secret ballot on proposed amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws. 

“The Representative Assembly (RA) consists of roughly 8,000 delegates representing state and local affiliates. These delegates are elected by their local and state Associations and represent preK-16 educators” who “…gather to set policy and chart the direction of NEA business.” 

While the NEA claims to “bring the expertise, drive, and dedication of three million educators and allies to advancing justice and excellence in public education,” it is clear from the texts of the two resolutions that when it comes to Israel and her enemies there is no interest in justice, nor in accurate education.

New Business Item 29: “The NEA will publicize its support for the Palestinian struggle for justice and call on the United States government to stop arming and supporting Israel and Saudi Arabia. The NEA will further publicize its support for refugee status for the millions of people across the region who are forced to move and seek refuge for themselves and their families because of the ongoing conflict and repression.” 

Rationale/Background: “The Arab population of Palestine has again risen up in a heroic struggle against military repression and “ethnic cleansing” by the Israeli state and extreme nationalist forces in Israeli society. The NEA’s support of this struggle will weaken reaction internationally.” (See: https://ra.nea.org/business-item/2021-nbi-029/.) 

New Business Item 51: “NEA will: 

1) Use existing digital communication to develop and publish resources and provide professional learning opportunities at NEA conferences, meetings, convenings, and trainings to educate members and the general public about the history, culture, and struggles of Palestinians including the negative impact on Palestinian children in regard to access to a quality education, and the recognition and existence of the state of Palestine. 

2) Use existing digital communication to publish an article in the NEA Today recognizing the work done by our members fighting for the rights of Palestinian children and families. 

3) Publish resources on Edjustice for educators to advocate and educate on the Palestinian struggle within their schools and communities. 

4) Partner with the ‘No Way to Treat a Child’ campaign to advocate for the end of detention, occupation, and abuse of Palestinian children.

5) Publicly endorse statements defending the rights of Palestinian children and families made by United Nations or other national organizations. 

6) Highlight state and local affiliate obligations to protect members advocating for Palestinian rights. 

Rationale/Background: “The NEA must recognize the existence and sovereignty of Palestine and Palestinian children and families and their human right to access a quality education and live freely as outlined in United Nations Declaration of Human Rights.” (See: https://ra.nea.org/business-item/2021-nbi-051/.)


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