Open Letter from Soldiers’ Families Asking ARZA (“Vote Reform”) to Correct and Apologize for Misleading Claims in ARZA’s Campaign Materials
Action Alerts advocacy
March 3, 2025

To the Leadership of the ARZA (“Vote Reform”) Slate:

On the frontlines, labels don’t matter. As Cpt. Kfir Itzhak Franco Z”l said, “Inside the tank, there are four people, different in history, background, and religion, but they all drink coffee together.” This is the spirit we must embrace, now more than ever, for the greater good of Israel.

We are the “Moms, Wives, and Sisters of Combat Soldiers and the Police Movement” and others who stand with us. We are deeply concerned that ARZA’s campaign materials for the World Zionist Congress (WZC) election, on ARZA’s website, libel and betray the many Orthodox and nationalist soldiers who have given their lives and livelihoods on the front lines. ARZA’s statements are not only false; they also betray the spirit of unity that is crucial to the future of the Jewish homeland.

We are particularly troubled by the following misleading, divisive claims in ARZA’s campaign educational materials, which are being distributed to the next generation of Jewish youth, including in ARZA’s Campaign Education Resource Guide (page 15):

  1. “Orthodox Jews do not need to serve in the army, and get paid to study Torah instead, while other young people are sent to fight.”
    • This insults the numerous Orthodox Jews who are fighting for and giving their lives for the Jewish nation.
  2. “Women are not placed in leadership roles.”
    • In fact, Likud placed a woman as head of KKL; women serve as Israeli government ministers; and many women serve in leadership roles of the religious and nationalist parties. By contrast, the major American Reform organizations (URJ, ARZA) are led by men.
  3. “Segregated public buses where women sit in the back.”
    • In fact, gender-segregated public buses were outlawed in Israel in 2011.
  4. “Reform conversions do not count for Aliyah.”
    • In fact, they do.
  5. “Orthodox and Religious Nationalist [Jews]… want to make sure that our converts and children are not welcome in the Jewish state.”
    • These statements misrepresent the values of Orthodox and nationalist communities and are an outright attack on unity. Such divisive rhetoric is harmful to the entire Jewish people.

A Growing Concern: The Dangers of Division in Our Community and the WZC Election

These above statements are not only factually incorrect, but they also divide us as a people at a time when we must stand united. To our enemies, it doesn’t matter whether we are religious or secular, right-wing or left-wing—they see us as one people: Jews. It’s time we do the same. Our strength lies in our unity, not our division. Labels and divisions are fracturing us, weakening our collective strength at this critical moment. If we allow this division to persist, we jeopardize our strength as a people and the future of Israel. The responsibility to unite and rebuild starts with each of us, today, in how we engage with one another and the world around us.

Our Request for Action

As parents, community leaders, and concerned citizens, we call upon ARZA to:

  1. Publicly apologize for these divisive and misleading statements.
  2. Correct the information provided to their supporters, particularly the materials distributed to young people in schools.

We urge ARZA to take immediate action to realign with the spirit of unity and correct these harmful and misleading statements.


Moms, Wives, and Sisters of Combat Soldiers and the Police Movement

Additional Signers:

ZOA Coalition

If you wish to add your name to this letter, please sign below:

Open Letter from Soldiers' Families Asking ARZA ("Vote Reform") to Correct and Apologize for Misleading Claims in ARZA's Campaign Materials

Our Request for Action

As parents, community leaders, and concerned citizens, we call upon ARZA to:
1. Publicly apologize for these divisive and misleading statements.
2. Correct the information provided to their supporters, particularly the materials distributed to young people in schools.

We urge ARZA to take immediate action to realign with the spirit of unity and correct these harmful and misleading statements.

Moms, Wives, and Sisters of Combat Soldiers and the Police Movement

Additional Signers:
ZOA Coalition


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1Jacqueline ShaferMar 03, 2025

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