Category News
Abbas Resort To ICC For Alleged War Crimes In Gaza Breaches Oslo Accords

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has condemned Palestinian Authority (PA) dictator/president Mahmoud Abbas resorting to the International Criminal Court (ICC) to have Israel investigated for alleged war crimes committed during last year’s Gaza war. The ZOA observes that Israel was indiscriminately assaulted by thousands of rockets fired into its civilian areas from Hamas-controlled Gaza; […]

ZOA Fraud Complaint: “HaTikvah Slate” Falsely Advertises it Fights BDS

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) filed a false advertising complaint this week regarding the HaTikvah slates’s official platform page, which was published on January 14, 2015 on the official American election website for the World Zionist Congress elections.  The HaTikvah slate’s platform page falsely states that the HaTikvah slate works to “combat the Boycott, […]

Argentine Lawyer to Show Iran Involvement in JCC Bombing, Murdered

Argentine state prosecutor Alberto Nisman was shot dead just hours before he was going to testify to the Argentinian Congress on Monday, Jan. 19, that his country’s president was directly involved in cover-ups to obscure Iran’s involvement in the Buenos Aires bombing of the Israeli Embassy and Jewish Community Center. On July 18, 1994, the Argentine Israelite […]

ZOA Files New Complaint Against Inclusion of J Street, others in WZC

ZOA Files New Complaint Against Inclusion Of J Street, “Open Hillel” and New Israel Fund (NIF) In “HaTikvah Slate” In WZC Election The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is continuing its efforts to try to make sure that the 2015 World Zionist Congress does not include organizations that promote BDS, boycotts against Jewish businesses and […]

The Jewish Voice Endorses the ZOA Slate at the WJC

On January 13 through April 30, 2015, American Jews will be voting for the delegate slates for the 2015 World Zionist Congress.  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), America’s oldest Jewish organization, is running an impressive slate headed by ZOA’s national president Morton Klein and Irwin Hochberg (past Chairman of the UJA-UJC Jewish Federation of […]

ZOA Criticizes Obama for Not Attending Anti-Islamic Terrorism Rally

The ZOA has strongly criticized Pres. Barak Hussein Obama for refusing to attend the massive four-million strong anti-Islamic terrorism rally in France. The rally was attended by dozens of national presidents and prime ministers from around the world, including the heads of France, Germany,  England, and Israel. Not only did Pres. Obama refuse to attend […]

ZOA Condemns Evil Islamic Terrorist Massacre in France

The ZOA condemns in the strongest possible terms the murders of twelve innocent people in France by evil Islamic monsters. The Jews of Israel and Jews around the world have experienced these types of horrific murders. In fact, thousands of innocent Jews have been murdered by evil Muslims, who kill in the name of Allah. […]

ZOA Urges Ending $440 Million Per Year of US Aid to Palestinian Authority

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) today called upon the Administration to act in accordance with US law and end aid to the Palestinian Authority (PA) immediately.  The last two weeks have seen outrageous actions by the leadership of the PLO, proposing unilateral changes to the borders of Israel in a failed UN Security Council […]

ZOA Letter to NY Times Magazine Correcting Mischaracterization of ZOA

To the Editor,      Jason Horowitz referred to the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), of which I am President, as a “right-wing group.”(Can Liberal Zionists Count on Hillary Clinton, 12-17 and 21 ,2014, NY Times Magazine, Jason Horowitz, p.18)  That appellation is inaccurate. The ZOA did correctly warn that the Oslo Peace agreements of 1993 would […]