Category News
New Poll: Americans Regard Israel As An Ally, Not Enemy By 11 To 1 Margin

A new poll has shown that the American public supports Israel by a margin of more than eleven to one, with 57% of Americans regarding Israel as an ally, while only 5% regard Israel as an enemy, while one in three (33%) regard it as being somewhere in between a friend and enemy. The Rasmussen […]

Poll: More Than Half Of Israelis Dislike Obama, Nearly Half Believe Peace Will Not Occur

A new survey of Israeli Jewish public opinion has found that 51% of Israeli Jews have a negative view of President Barack Obama (15% have a very negative view), while only 41% have a positive view of him (5% hold a very positive view). The November 2010 survey, conducted jointly by the Washington, D.C.-based Saban […]

Abbas’ P.A. Journalists Syndicate Supports Anti-Semitic “Study” Claim Jews Have No Right To Western Wall

Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah-controlled Palestinian Authority (PA) Palestinian Journalists Syndicate has expressed its solidarity with Al-Mutawakel Taha, the senior Palestinian Authority (PA)’s Ministry of Information official who recently published an absurd, preposterous anti-Semitic “study” denying Jews’ historical and religious rights and claims to Jerusalem’s Western Wall, the only remnant of the outer retaining wall of the […]

Wikileaks Reveals Iran/Mideast Peace Linkage Is Nonsense

By Morton A. Klein, National President Zionist Organization of America     Thanks to Wikileaks, the exposure of some 250,000 diplomatic cables, we now know that President Barack Obama’s premise that Israel must be pressured into making concessions to the Palestinians or else Arab states will not support U.S. efforts to stop Iran developing nuclear […]

Arabs React With Joy At Israeli Deaths In Galilee Bush Fires

Contrast: Israel offered help to Iran after massive earthquake; Iran refused           In response to news of wild bush fires ranging in northern Israel, many Arabs have responded with glee and joy about the deaths of Israelis in readers’ responses to Arab media reports. According to the Jerusalem Post’s Khaled Abu […]

Wikileaks Shows Obama/Clinton Apparently Intentionally Misled Israel When Claiming Israeli Concessions Needed For Arabs To Fight Iran

We now know that President Barack Hussein Obama apparently intentionally misled Israel when demanding that Israel must make substantial one-sided concessions to the Palestinian Authority in order to gain support from the Arab nations to stop Iran from developing nuclear weapons.   This above stated fact is screaming from the pages of the recently released […]

Two Weeks In Abbas’ P.A.: Jews Killed Arafat; Fatah Convention Named For Olympics Jew-Killer; Pro-Terror Band Honored

  ZOA to Obama: Condemn Abbas’ anti-Semitic actions       In the space of a mere two weeks, Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority (PA) has broadcast  on PA TV indoctrinated children claiming Jews poisoned Yasser Arafat, named the ruling Fatah’s party convention after Munich Olympics Jew-killer Al-Hindi and broadcast pro-terror songs and pro-terror bands in […]

Arab War On Israel Not About Borders, Settlements Or State – It’s About Jew-Hatred

By Morton A. Klein, National President Dr. Daniel Mandel, Director of Center for Middle East Policy Zionist Organization of America   It’s a constant refrain that, if Israel would only give more land and concessions to the Palestinians, peace would arrive. If only that were true. But the Arab war on Israel has nothing to […]

ZOA Praises Obama Admin. For Condemning Abbas’ P.A. For Denying Jewish Connection To Jerusalem’s Western Wall

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has praised the Obama Administration for condemning Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority (PA) for an official PA document that denies any Jewish historical right or claim to the Jerusalem’s Western Wall , the only remnant of the outer retaining wall of the biblical Jewish temples which, other than Temple […]

ZOA Condemns P.A.’s Abbas As Anti-Semite For Claiming Jews Have No Connection To Western Wall

  Wrote PhD thesis & book denying Holocaust         The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has condemned the Palestinian Authority (PA)’s Mahmoud Abbas as anti-Semitic for officially endorsing an absurd study with the preposterous theme that Jews have no claim of any kind to the Western Wall in Jerusalem, the only remnant […]