Category News
ZOA Praises ADL For Joining ZOA’s Call: UC Irvine Chancellor Should Denounce Muslim Student Union’s Anti-Semitic Speaker And Revoke Group’s Charter

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) praises the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) for calling on Chancellor Michael Drake of the University of California, Irvine to publicly condemn the Muslim Student Union’s speaker, Amir Abdel Malik Ali, for his frightening anti-Semitic speech on the campus last week, and also to publicly denounce the Muslim Student Union, […]

ZOA Criticizes Obama’s Counter-Terror Adviser Brennan For Calling Jerusalem By Arabic Name Al-Quds

Brennan wants U.S. to speak to Hizballah ‘moderates’         The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has drawn attention to remarks by John Brennan, Deputy National Security Adviser for Homeland Security, in a speech in which he referred to his favorite city as “al-Quds, Jerusalem.” Al-Quds is the Arabic name for Jerusalem and […]

Obama’s Hostility To Israel – Why The Surprise?

Polls in recent months show that Americans, American Jews and Israelis disapprove of President Barack Obama’s policies towards Israel. They oppose his Administration condemning Jewish construction in eastern Jerusalem; his UN speech supporting linking U.S. support for Israel’s security to Israeli concession to the Palestinians; his comparing Israel’s treatment of Palestinians to the Nazi treatment […]

ZOA Urges UC Irvine Chancellor Drake: Condemn Muslim Student Union And Its Speaker By Name For Promoting Terrorism Against Jews – Urges CAIR, ADC, And MPAC To Publicly Condemn MSU

            In a strongly worded letter sent yesterday to Michael Drake, the Chancellor of the University of California, Irvine, the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) criticized him for failing to exercise his “First Amendment right and moral duty as UC Irvine’s leader by clearly and forcefully condemning, by name, the Muslim Student Union and its […]

Abbas’ Fatah Tells Palestinian Kids To Emulate PLO Terrorist – Names Football Games After Him – PA TV Says All Israel Is ‘Palestine’

 Will Obama Admin. hold PA accountable as promised?       Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah-controlled Palestinian Authority (PA) continues to inculcate violence and glorify terrorists who practice it, the latest case being a Fatah-sponsored football tournament named after veteran Fatah terrorist leader Khalil al-Wazir, known by his nom de guerre Abu Jihad. Abu Jihad was for […]

ZOA To Obama: Condemn Abbas For PA TV Calling Israelis Land Thieves Who Must “Return” To Europe & Ethiopia

Would Abbas tell Americans to “return” to Mexico, Africa, South America & Europe?         The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has urged President Barack Obama to hold Palestinian Authority (PA) president Mahmoud Abbas accountable for a broadcast on PA TV on May 4 and May 7 which called Israelis thieves and advised […]

Obama Shows No Interest in Ending Palestinian Incitement

  Recent polls show that Americans, American Jews and Israelis all disapprove of President Obama’s policies toward Israel. One reason for the disapproval that emerges in these polls is that the Obama administration pressures and criticizes Israel, while giving Mahmoud Abbas’s Palestinian Authority a free pass.   Such perceptions happen to be well founded. For […]

ZOA Calls On Obama Admin. To Condemn & Penalize Abbas’ PA For Its Campaign To Prevent Israel Joining O.E.C.D.

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has called on the Obama Administration to condemn and penalize Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah-controlled Palestinian Authority (PA) for its international campaign to prevent Israel joining the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Israel became a member of the OECD this week after the 31 OECD member states voted […]

ZOA Praises Democratic Members Of Congress For Publicly Opposing Obama’s Pressure On Israel

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has praised several Democratic Members of Congress for speaking out publicly in opposition to President Barack Obama and his Administration’s exerting relentless and inappropriate pressure on Israel.   Following the Obama’s Administration’s public repudiation by White House spokesman Robert Gibbs of criticism over its policy towards Israel from […]

New Poll: Nearly Three-Quarters Of Israelis Oppose Obama’s Demand To Cease Jewish Construction In Jerusalem

  A new poll has shown that nearly three-quarters of Israelis – 72% – oppose President Barack Obama’s policy of demanding a freeze on Jewish construction in eastern Jerusalem, whereas only 22% of Israelis approve of it. The poll, conducted by Shvakim Panorama for Israel Television Channel 1, also found:   ·        Israelis blame President […]