Category News
Israeli Court Orders Peace Now to Apologize & Pay Damages for Lie that Jewish Town Built on Palestinian Land

The extremist Peace Now organization in Israel has been compelled by a court order to publicly apologize and pay monetary damages to the residents of the Jewish community of Revava in Samaria for lying and publishing false statements that the town had been on Palestinian-owned land. Peace Now and activists Hagit Ofran and Dror Atkis […]

Can Secty-of-State Designate Clinton Act Fairly Towards Israel, Given Bill Clinton’s Large Saudi/Arab Donors?

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is deeply concerned at the revelations of the heavy influence of Saudi Arabia and other Arab governments and individuals upon the Clintons revealed by former President Bill Clinton’s recently published donor list, which could compromise Senator Hillary Clinton’s ability to act fairly towards Israel when she becomes Secretary of […]

PA’s Racist Qurei: We’ll Allow No Jews In Future PA State

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has condemned as racist the  statement by Ahmed Qurei, former Palestinian Authority (PA) prime minister and currently head of its negotiating team, who has declared that there will be no Jews or Jewish communities allowed in Judea and Samaria, including the eastern half of Jerusalem, thus calling for […]

ZOA Urges President Bush To Rescind Support For Tomorrow’s UN Vote Endorsing Palestinian State

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is urging the Bush Administration to rescind support for a United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolution tomorrow which seeks to enshrine endorsing the creation of a Palestinian state. The text, co-sponsored by the U.S. and Russia, is seen by officials as “geared to binding a future Israeli government […]

50 Knesset Members Opposed Hebron Eviction — No Supreme Court Order For It Was Given

  ZOA to ADL, AJC, Reform – Reconsider eviction support      The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has pointed to two letters signed by 49 and 51 Members of Knesset (MKs) respectively, pleading with Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Internal Security Minister, Avi Dichter, and Attorney-General Menachem Mazuz not to evict Jews from […]

Mumbai: Murdering Jews Was Terrorists’ Ideal

  The multiple massacres perpetrated in Mumbai by jihadist terrorists that resulted in the killing of at least 188 people, including at least 31 foreign nationals, and the wounding and maiming of 293 more, were significant not only for their absolute horror and barbarity. There was also something else of terrible significance: although the jihadists […]

Israel Security Minister And ZOA Criticize PM Olmert’s Use Of Term “Pogrom” To Describe Israeli Actions Against Arabs

  po·grom (pô‘grəm, -gräm‘; pô gräm‘) noun, an organized persecution and massacre, often officially prompted, of a minority group, esp. of Jews (as in czarist Russia)     Israel’s Minister of Public Security Avi Dichter and the Zionist Organization of America strongly criticize Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s use of the term pogrom to describe the […]

ZOA Statement: The Forced Eviction Of The Jewish Residents Of Hebron’s Beit Hashalom

    The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is deeply disappointed with Defense Minister Ehud Barak’s decision to unnecessarily and forcibly evict the Jewish residents of Beit Hashalom (Peace House).  Beit Hashalom is a large building in Hebron strategically overlooking Worshippers Way, the access road to the Cave of the Patriarchs.  It was apparently purchased […]

Poll: Two-Thirds Of israelis Believe Palestinians Against Israel’s Existence & Want It Destroyed

  A new Israeli poll has shown that about two-thirds (63%) of Israelis expressed agreement with the statement that “In reality, most of the Palestinians do not accept the existence of the State of Israel and would destroy it if they could, despite the fact that the PLO leadership is conducting peace negotiations with Israel,” […]

ZOA To Israel: Stop Releasing Killers Of Jews

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is opposing the Israel government decision to release a further 230 jailed Palestinian terrorists, which includes an unprecedented 81 who were convicted of murder. The release was scheduled for tomorrow, but has been delayed until December 15. (Josef Federman, ‘Israel to delay Palestinian prisoner release,‘Associated Press, December 8, […]