Category News
ZOA: Why Does Israel Need To Close Judea/Samaria To Prevent Passover Attacks — If PA Really Fights Terrorism

  New York — The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has questioned why the need still exists for Israel to mobilize and increase security measures and implement a closure of Judea and Samaria on the eve of Passover if Palestinian Authority (PA) president Mahmoud Abbas is a peace-seeking, moderate Palestinian leader who is supposedly fulfilling […]

ZOA Condemns Palestinian Authority Law of Capital Punishment for Those Who Sell Land to Jews; Calls for American and International Condemnation

New York — The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) condemns the barbaric and Anti–Semitic Palestinian Authority (PA) law that bans the selling of Muslim owned land to Jews and imposes a penalty of death for the offense. The PA earlier this week issued yet another warning to Palestinians against selling their homes or properties to […]

ZOA Condemns Coca-Cola and Renews Call to Boycott Coke Products

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) condemns the Coca-Cola Company for continuing to engage in immoral behavior and refusing to rectify the wrong it has been perpetrating against a Jewish family, the Bigios. The ZOA calls on the public to boycott Coca-Cola products, and for Jewish members of the public to boycott the company’s kosher-for-Passover […]

ZOA-Israel Organizes Passover Tour Of Samaria To Celebrate 30th Anniversary Of Pioneering Community

  The Zionist Organization of America, in cooperation with the Samaria Liaison Office, is organizing a Passover tour of Samarian Biblical and strategic sites on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the founding of the premier pioneering community, Elon Moreh, on Sunday, April 12th.   ZOA-Israel has already conducted a number of tours and […]

Anti-Semitism & Israel Bashing At New Jersey Institute Of Technology

By: David Kadosh, ZOA Campus Coordinator         The event I attended at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) on Monday, March 30th, 2009, was a wake-up call that the type of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic slander you would expect from Arab, European, or Canadian universities are present on campuses in our own backyard.  The […]

ZOA Criticizes Obama/Clinton Joining Israel-Bashing U.N. Human Rights Council

Bolton & Ros-Lehtinen Criticize U.S. Action The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has criticized as a mistake the intention of the Obama Administration to seek a seat on the Israel-bashing United Nations’ Human Rights Council, which was announced this week. The U.S. is virtually assured of election to the one of only 7 seats reserved […]

Hundreds of ZOA Activists On Capitol Hill Saying: Tighten Iran Sanctions; No $900 Million U.S. Aid To Palestinians Before Ending Incitement & Jailing Terrorists

  Several Dozen House Members & Senators Spoke At ZOA D.C. Luncheon     Hundreds of Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) activist from 16 states, including dozens of students, took part in ZOA’s annual activist Mission to Washington, D.C., on March 26 to urge Members of Congress to support legislation for significantly tightening sanctions on […]

ZOA Condemns NY Times/Oliphant Cartoon As Rank Anti-Semitism

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has condemned a cartoon by Pat Oliphant that was published last Wednesday in newspapers and on Internet sites across the United States, including on The New York Times Web site.  The cartoon depicts a headless man in uniform marching in goose step and brandishing a sword.  In his other […]

ZOA Critical Of E.U. Diktat To Israel — Agree To Palestinian State, Or Else

  Where Is EU’s Diktat To PA To Transform Hatred/Violence-Promoting Culture?     The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has criticized the European Union’s (EU) pressuring Israel’s incoming Netanyahu Government to accept the idea of a “two-state solution.” The EU has warned Israel that ties with Israel would suffer if he did not accept Palestinian […]

Top Israeli Arab Journalist: U.S. & World Funding For Palestinians Will Not Moderate Palestinians

  Top Israeli Arab journalist, the Jerusalem Post’s Khaled Abu Toameh, has criticized the U.S. and the European governments for pouring billions of dollars into the Palestinian Authority (PA) regime of Fatah’s Mahmoud Abbas in the hope of “empowering the moderates and undermining the radicals” among the Palestinians. Toameh said that, in the aftermath of […]