Category News
ZOA Urges President-Elect Obama Not To Appoint Hostile Israel Critic Daniel Kurtzer As Middle East Envoy

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), the oldest pro-Israel organization in the United States, has urged President-elect Barack Obama not to appoint hostile Israel critic Daniel Kurtzer as his Middle East envoy which Obama is reportedly considering. As envoy, Kurtzer would report directly to President-elect Obama, rather than to his secretary of state (Akiva […]

ZOA Statement On Islamist Terrorist Massacres In Mumbai

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has issued the following statement, following detailed reports now in from Mumbai on the multiple massacres perpetrated there by Islamist jihadist terrorists that have resulted in the killing of at least 172 people, including at least 31 foreign nationals, and the wounding and maiming of 293 more:   […]

ZOA Critical Of Reappointment Of Anti-Israel Adviser Samantha Power To Obama Foreign Policy Team

  S. Rice, UN Ambassador Choice Promoted Baker & Carter      The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has criticized and expressed concern at the news that Samantha Power, the deeply anti-Israel former adviser to President-elect Barack Obama, has been reappointed to his foreign policy team. Power has argued that the US should stop financially […]

Poll: One In Three Israelis Say It’s Legitimate For Soldiers To Refuse Orders To Evict Jewish Residents From The Golan Heights

  By 58% – 27%, Israelis oppose Golan withdrawal        A poll this week has shown that one-third of the country believes it would be legitimate for soldiers to refuse orders to remove settlements from the Golan Heights. The poll, carried out by Ma’agar Mohot for a conference entitled “War at home? From […]

French Journalist & Deputy Mayor Karsenty, Who Exposed Al-Durah Fraud, Addresses ZOA Dinner

  NEW YORK – Over 500 people attended the Zionist Organization of America’s (ZOA) National Dinner on Sunday, November 24 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in New York City. Philippe Karsenty, a journalist, deputy mayor of Neuilly, France, and President of Media-Ratings, delivered a major address and was this year’s recipient of the ZOA’s Ben […]

Peres: Obama Told Me He’s “Very Impressed” With Saudi Arab Peace Plan

  This negates Dennis Ross’ denial     According to Israeli President and former Prime Minister, Shimon Peres, U.S. President-elect Barack Obama told him that he was “very impressed” with the Arab League’s 2002 so-called Arab Peace Initiative when the two of them discussed it in July during Senator Obama’s brief visit to Israel. Peres, […]

No More Withdrawals, Says Fmr. Israeli Army Chief Yaalon

Yaalon: ‘Land for peace’ policy brings war       The former Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Chief-of-Staff, Lt.-Gen. Moshe Ya’alon, has stated that the concessionary policy of Israeli territorial withdrawals must stop. Speaking at a press conference with Likud Chairman Binyamin Netanyahu to announce that he was entering political life and joining the Likud party, […]

Poll: Americans Back Israel Over Palestinians 66% To 6%

Only 19% want Israel-Palestinian issue to be an Obama priority      A new poll of American opinion has found that only 6 percent of Americans think that the United States should stand behind the Palestinians in Middle East peace talks, while 66 percent of those polled said the U.S. should support Israel in the […]

ZOA Applauds 76 Members Of US House For Resolution Calling On Abbas To Rescind His Fatah Party’s Pro-Terror Constitution

 Stop $700 Million-Yr In US Aid To Abbas       New York — The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) today strongly praised the 76 members of the US House of Representatives who have co-sponsored the resolution (H.Res.758)  introduced by Republican Whip Roy Blunt (R-MO) and U.S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley (D-NV), which “urges Palestinian Authority […]

PA’s Abbas Praises Arafat & Hamas Leader — Rejects PA Concessions On Anything

  Palestinian Authority (PA) president Mahmoud Abbas, often described as a ‘moderate’ and ‘peace maker,’ has delivered a speech in which he rejected major proposed Israeli concessions, including on Jerusalem, and promised not to budge from any of the PA’s demands, while openly praising dead terrorist figures like the PLO’s Khalil Al Wazir (Abu Jihad) […]