Category News
ZOA Critical Of Olmert-Livni Secret Negotiations On Jerusalem

Olmert violates Kadima platform The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has criticized the Israeli government of Ehud Olmert for conducting negotiations on Jerusalem and especially for doing so in secret. The news of the secret negotiations leaked from the Palestinian Authority (PA), where a senior official disclosed that a PA negotiating team headed by former […]

ZOA Criticizes PA’s Abbas For Condemning Legitimate Israeli-Counter Terrorism & Comparing It To Palestinian Terror

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has criticized Palestinian Authority (PA) president Mahmoud Abbas for condemning legitimate Israeli counter-terrorism action targeting terrorists who have struck at Israel, comparing it to the recent Palestinian acts of suicide bombing in Dimona, which claimed the life of one Israeli and wounded others. Abbas’ office issued a statement saying, […]

Abbas’ PA Glorifies Dimona Suicide Bombers Who Tried To Murder Scores Of Israelis

Days after praising Jew-killer Habash   All three newspapers controlled by Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah-controlled Palestinian Authority (PA) have glorified the two suicide bombers who struck in Dimona on Monday. One suicide bomber detonated his belt, killing one Israeli and wounding 11 others, while the second bomber, injured by the blast of the first, was killed […]

Action Alert: Contact your Representative now to express your support for H.Res.951 And urge them to cosponsor this resolution

To Friends of Israel Around the US The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) supports H.Res.951 a bi-partisan resolution condemning the ongoing Palestinian rocket attacks on Israeli civilians and supporting the sovereign right of the Government of Israel to defend its territory and stop the rocket attacks on its citizens. The ZOA applauds Reps. Scott Garrett […]

Action Alert: Support H.Res.951- a bi-partisan resolution condemning the ongoing Palestinian rocket attacks on Israeli civilians and supporting the sovereign right of the Government of Israel to defend its territory and stop the rocket attacks…

Action Alert: Support H.Res.951 – Contact your Representative now to express your support for H.Res.951 and urge them to cosponsor this resolution. The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) supports H.Res.951 a bi-partisan resolution condemning the ongoing Palestinian rocket attacks on Israeli civilians and supporting the sovereign right of the Government of Israel to defend its […]

Winograd Commission Pretends That UN Security Council Resolution 1701 Ending 2006 Lebanon War Was A Success For Israel

ZOA was right on UNSC 1701 The Winograd Commission investigating the conduct of the Israeli government and military during the 2006 Lebanon war, has released its report with controversial findings, including one that holds that the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701 (UNSC 1701), which ended the war, was a significant diplomatic achievement by the […]

President Bush Again Praises PA’s Abbas For “Confronting” Terror While Abbas Declares Death Of Terrorist Chief Habash As A “Great Loss”

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is disappointed President George W. Bush once again praised Palestinian Authority (PA) president Mahmoud Abbas as a moderate who opposes and fights terrorism, even as Abbas’ PA was observing a three day period of official mourning for the death of the founder and former leader of the Popular Front […]

ZOA-YP Israeli Self Defense Night

On November 28, 2007, the ZOA-YP hosted an Israeli Self Defense Night, a lesson in Krav Maga. This event was held in the up and coming Chelsea Space, and attracted Krav Maga experts and novices alike. During a lesson given by Krav Maga expert, Boaz Aviram, pro-Israel young professionals learned new self defense techniques that […]

ZOA: Israel Under No Legal & Moral Obligation To Supply Goods & Services To Its Enemy – Hamas/Gazan Arabs

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has repudiated claims by various international organizations and pundits that Israel is under any kind of legal or moral obligation to supply goods and services to Hamas-run Gaza. The New York Times and Human Rights Watch (HRW)’s Joel Stork, to name two prominent examples, have both claimed that Israel […]

ZOA Calls On PM Olmert To Demand Apology From Abbas For Honoring Deceased Terrorist Leader George Habash

Israeli Arab MKs praise Habash and attend his funeral The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has called upon Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to demand an apology from Palestinian Authority (PA) president Mahmoud Abbas for honoring George Habash, the head of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), by declaring a three-day period […]