Category News
“Moderate” Saudis Threaten Israel With War If It Does Not Accept Its “Peace Plan”

New York — Saudi Arabia, which has been called “moderate” for touting its 2002 so-called “peace plan,” has threatened Israel with war if it does not accept the plan in its entirety. Saudi Foreign Minister, Saud al-Faisal, issued an ultimatum to Israel this week, saying that its plan is non-negotiable and suggested that Israel would […]

Hamas & Fatah Charters Must Be Changed

Hamas & Fatah Charters Must Be Changed By Morton A. Klein, National PresidentZionist Organization of America When Yasser Arafat and the PLO signed the Oslo Agreement with Israel in 1993, Israel, the U.S., and other nations and editorials insisted that it was necessary for the PLO to revoke its Charter with its many clauses calling […]

ZOA: Bush Administration Should Drop Fiction That Palestinians Accept Israel & Seek Peaceful State Alongside Israel

New York — The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is urging the Bush Administration to drop the fiction that Palestinian Authority (PA) president Mahmoud Abbas and Palestinian Arabs in general have accepted Israel’s existence as Jewish state and seek a peaceful Palestinian state alongside Israel, following Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s comments to the media […]

Major New ZOA Poll: Americans Oppose Giving Land To Palestinians By 5-To-1, Believe Palestinian State Would Be A Terrorist State By 2-To-1, Support Israelis Over Palestinians By 10-To-1

US Cong. supports Israelbecause Americans do New York — A major new national poll has found the following regarding American opinion on the Israel and Middle East issues: By a margin of 5-to-1 (60% – 11%), Americans believe that Israel should not make more land concessions to the Palestinian Arabs. By a margin of 2-to-1 […]

New Palestinian Textbooks: A Religious Duty To Destroy Israel

New York — Newly-published Palestinian textbooks for schools students in the Palestinian Authority (PA) teach that hating and working to destroy Israel is a religious duty, and it is against Islam to recognize Israel, according to a new report published by Palestinian Media Watch (PMW). The new PA schoolbooks were devised and written by Fatah-appointed […]

Reform Judaism Movement: Leave Iraq — Olmert/Israeli Govt: Stay In Iraq

Olmert: Israel’s security helped by success in Iraq New York — The Union of Reform Judaism, headed by Rabbi Eric Yoffe, has passed a resolution reaffirming and toughening its 2005 call for a withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, demanding now that the Bush Administration “Set and announce a clear timetable for the phased and […]

Are There Any Moderate Arab Leaders?

Are There Any Moderate Arab Leaders?By Gary Bauer and Morton A. Klein We often hear about moderate Arab leaders. Do they exist? Let’s examine the record. PA president and Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas is one of those touted as a moderate. Yet Abbas co-founded the terrorist Fatah with Yasser Arafat, served as Arafat’s deputy for […]

ZOA Opposes Bush Administration Decision To Deal With Fatah People In New Hamas/PA Government

New York — The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has written to President George W. Bush opposing the decision announcing this week that it will talk with certain non-Hamas members of the new Palestinian Authority (PA) unity government, despite the fact that it is government run by the Islamist terrorist organization, Hamas, whose polices remain […]

New Poll: 76% Of Israeli Arabs Call Zionism Racist — 48% Support Hezbollah’s Attacks On Israel — 28% Deny Holocaust

Israeli Arab MKs: “liberate Jerusalem” WASHINGTON — A new poll by leading researchers in Israel reveal that over a quarter of Israel’s Arab citizens believe the Holocaust did not happen, and surprisingly the figure was even higher (33%) among high school and college graduates. Nearly half of all Israeli Arabs believe the attacks by Hezbollah […]

ZOA Urges Congress To Change Pro-Terror, Anti-U.S. Format Of US/al-Hurra TV

New York — The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is appalled that U.S. taxpayer-financed al-Hurra television — created to showcase the American political process and draw attention to needed reforms in the Arab world — is serving as a forum for terrorists and their sympathizers to espouse violence and hatred of America and Israel. In […]