Category News
U.S. Supports Israel Because Of Americans, Not Lobby

ByMorton A. Klein, National PresidentDr. Daniel Mandel, Director, Center for Middle East PolicyZionist Organization of America The University of Chicago’s John Mearsheimer and Harvard’s Stephen Walt claim in their new book, The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, that the U.S. has given “unwavering support” to Israel because of the power and influence of the […]

Palestinian Boy Muhammad Al-Durah’s Alleged Killing May Have Been A Staged Fraud By Palestinians

France-2 TV defamation trial against Karsenty to be held on Sept. 19 New York — French journalist Philippe Karsenty, the editor of Media-Ratings,, an internet service that monitors the French media, is going to court in Paris on September 19 to appeal a judgment for defamation brought against him by France-2 television. The original […]

ZOA: Olmert Government Must Stop Muslim Authorities’ Destruction Of Jewish Antiquities On Jerusalem’s Temple Mount

ZOA writes to Olmert New York — The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has written to Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert urging him to immediately take action to stop the wanton destruction of priceless Jewish antiquities on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount by the Waqf, the Muslim religious authorities who control the Temple Mount area. The Temple […]

ZOA: Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah Must Rescind Its Murderous, Anti-Semitic, Anti-Israel Constitution

New York — In light of the growing number of warnings to the Olmert government from Israeli security establishment figures, including now former Defense Minister and former Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Chief-of-Staff, Lt.-Gen. Shaul Mofaz, and former Shin-Bet (General Security Service) head, Avi Dichter, not to make further, irreversible concessions to the Palestinian Authority (PA), […]

Activist Philip Karsenty Goes To Court On Sept. 19 For ‘Defamation’ Against France-2 TV

Karsenty presents evidence showingal-Durah’s alleged killing was staged New York — French activist Philip Karsenty, the editor of Media-Ratings,, an internet service that monitors the French media, is going to court in Paris on September 19 to appeal a judgment for defamation brought against him by France-2 television. The original judgment, as Joanna Chandler […]

ZOA Supports Opposition Leader Netanyahu & Former IDF Chief Mofaz’s Call To P.M. Olmert Not To Make Irreversible Concessions

New York — The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has supported the separate calls made by Israeli Opposition leader, Binyamin Netanyahu, and Israel’s Transportation Minister, former Defense Minister and former Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Chief-of-Staff, Lt.-Gen. Shaul Mofaz, to Prime Minister Ehud Olmert not to make irreversible concessions by giving away most of Judea and […]

Was Muhammad Al-Durah’s Alleged Killing A Staged Fraud By Palestinians?

ZOA: France-2 TV mustrelease entire 27-minute footage New York — The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is calling upon France-2 Television network to release the full, never before publicly broadcast, 27 minutes of footage surrounding the alleged killing of a Palestinian Arab boy, Muhammad al-Durah, on September 30, 2000 at Netzarim junction in order to […]

The Palestinians Have Promises to Keep

Letter to Washington Post & The Aug. 29 news story “Olmert, Abbas Discuss ‘Core Issues’ for Peace” stated that a recent meeting between Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas “touched on as-yet-unfulfilled pledges by Olmert to Abbas to improve living conditions for Palestinians.” But it ignored the fact that […]

ZOA Condemns CNN’s Christiane Amanpour’s Series Falsely Equating Jewish & Christian Actions With Islamist Terrorists

New York — The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has condemned the CNN’s Christiane Amanpour for her three-part, prime-time series, ‘God’s Warriors,’ which included a lengthy segment equating Jewish (and Christian) religious fervor with that of Muslims who endorse suicide bombing and support jihad. The series, purportedly intended to examine the growing role of religious […]

ZOA Radio Commemorates 110th Anniversary Of 1st Zionist Congress

Zionism is alive and well in a variety of nations, and in those countries, Zionists are doing their utmost to present pro-Israel information and activities, and keep an eye on their governments’ relations with Israel. In conjunction with the 110th anniversary of the First Zionist Congress — assembled by Theodor Herzl in Basel, Switzerland in […]