Category News
Israel Security Chief: Egypt Ignores Palestinian Weapons Smuggling

New York – Yuval Diskin, the head of Israel’s security service, Shin Bet, has told the Israeli Cabinet that Egypt is ignoring Palestinian weapons smuggling into Gaza from Egypt. Diskin said that since Israel’s unilateral withdrawal from Gaza in August 2005, an estimated 19 tons of military grade explosives have been smuggled into Gaza from […]

Hizballah Rearming & Rebuilding Underground Bunkers Near Israel

New York – Lebanese officials have disclosed that the Islamist terrorist group, Hizballah, is moving rockets into Palestinian camps in southern Lebanon and rebuilding its network of bunkers just a few miles from the Israeli border only weeks since the conclusion of the recent Lebanon war. The officials said that the office of Lebanese Prime […]

New Poll: 63% Of Palestinians Support Emulating Hizballah Rocket Attacks

57% support terrorism, 75% support kidnappings New York – A new poll has found that nearly two-thirds of Palestinian Arabs — 63% — are inspired by Hizballah’s recent rocket offensive against Israeli cities and hope to emulate them. This finding is similar to the level of support for copying Hizballah’s methods that were found in […]

IDF Chief Of Staff Halutz: Israel Will Have To Continue Operating In Gaza

Gaza withdrawal supporters wrongly predicted increased security New York – The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Chief of Staff, Lt.-Gen. Dan Halutz, has stated that “The IDF will definitely have to operate in Gaza.” Speaking at the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee yesterday, Halutz said that Palestinian Arab terrorist groups in Gaza continue to accumulate […]

ZOA Criticizes President Bush For Praising PA’s Abbas As A Courageous Moderate

New York – The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has criticized President George W. Bush for praising Palestinian Authority (PA) president, Mahmoud Abbas, as a moderate who is “willing to speak out and act on behalf of people who yearn for peace” and whom he “can’t thank enough for the courage you have shown” (White […]

Are Israeli MK’s Committing Treason?

By Morton A. Klein, National PresidentZionist Organization of America A serious problem which has been overlooked for years in Israel is the disloyalty of several Israeli Arab members of the Knesset. What is the appropriate response to Israeli Arab Members of Knesset (MKs) who urge the leader of the Islamist terrorist group Hizballah, Sheikh Hassan […]

ZOA Runs Radio Ad Exposing L.A. Human Relations Awardee Hathout As Pro-Hezbollah And US/Israel Basher

New York – The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is running a series of 60-second radio ads on prime time LA radio talk shows exposing Muslim radical Maher Hathout, a senior advisor to the Muslim Public Affairs Council, who is scheduled to receive the Los Angeles Human Rights Commission Humanitarian Award, as an apologist for […]

Pope Benedict XVI: Use Of Violence, Jihad, Violent Conversion To Islam Is Not Acting Reasonably And Is Contrary To G-D

New York — The New York Times reported that Pope Benedict XVI spoke at the University of Regensburg in Germany stating that “violence embodied in the Muslim idea of Jihad, or holy war, is contrary to reason and G-d’s Plan.” Ian Fisher, NY Times reporter, wrote “the speech seemed to reflect the Vatican’s struggle over […]

ZOA Agrees With Former PM Netanyahu & Amb. Ayalon In Opposing Releasing Arab Prisoners For Kidnap Victims

Swap could cause more Israeli deaths New York – The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) supports statements made in Philadelphia last week by former Israeli Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, and Israel’s Ambassador to the US, Danny Ayalon, that releasing Arab terrorists from Israeli jails in exchange for kidnapped Israelis will only encourage more kidnappings of […]

IDF Report: Palestinian Charities Promote Terrorism In Palestinian Schools

New York – In recent months, while operating against the Hamas and Islamic Jihad terror infrastructures throughout Judea and Samaria, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have confiscated material from dozens of structures and offices used by Daawa charity institutes affiliated with terror organizations. These materials (video footage, photographs and countless documents) show how these institutes disguise […]