Category News
Op-Ed: Iran’s Call for Israel Destruction – Nothing New in Mid-East by Morton A. Klein and Dr. Daniel Mandel

Recently, the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, declared that “Israel must be wiped off the map.” Many international leaders reacted appropriately with shock and horror. Yet tragically, such statements in the Arab/Islamic world are nothing new. From the very day of Israel’s establishment to the present day, calls for Israel’s violent destruction have been emphatic and […]

Palestinian Authority Criticizes U.S. House Of Representatives To Withhold Funds If Hamas Takes Part In Elections

Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority (PA) has criticized the US House of Representatives for threatening the PA with a loss of funding should the Islamist terrorist organization Hamas participate in the Palestinian legislative elections in January. The House resolution passed last Friday called for the PA to require all groups running in the elections to disarm […]

Op-Ed: Iran’s Call for Israel Destruction – Nothing New in Mid-East by Morton A. Klein and Dr. Daniel Mandel

Recently, the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, declared that “Israel must be wiped off the map.” Many international leaders reacted appropriately with shock and horror. Yet tragically, such statements in the Arab/Islamic world are nothing new. From the very day of Israel’s establishment to the present day, calls for Israel’s violent destruction have been emphatic and […]

Amb. Bolton Criticizes U.N. Policy On Israel At ZOA Dinner

On December 11, a record 1000 people attended the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) National Dinner at which the keynote speaker was one of Israel’s truest friends in the world, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. John Bolton, who opened his address by saying, “When Mort Klein asked me some months ago if I’d be available […]

Amb. Bolton Criticizes U.N. Policy On Israel At ZOA Dinner

On December 11, a record 1000 people attended the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) National Dinner at which the keynote speaker was one of Israel’s truest friends in the world, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. John Bolton, who opened his address by saying, “When Mort Klein asked me some months ago if I’d be available […]

ZOA Spurs Questions in White House Daily Briefing – Excerpt from Scott McClellan’s press briefing, December 2, 2005

Q: The Zionist Organization of America is appalled that the President’s speech in Annapolis omitted any mention of Israel when he referred to countries that have been victims of Islamist terrorism. And my question: Why did the President do this, given 1,700 Israeli citizens murdered by Islamo-fascists, and 10,000 more maimed by then since 1993? […]

U.S. Ambassador To U.N. John Bolton At ZOA Dinner: It’s A Fantasy That Israel Is Treated Fairly At U.N.

Record 1000 PeopleAttend ZOA DinnerNEW YORK — A record 1000 people came to the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) National Dinner on Sunday night at the Marriot Marquis Hotel in New York City. The U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton, was ZOA’s Keynote Speaker. Bolton received the ZOA’s Defender of Israel Award and […]

Anti-Israel Actions At U.N. & Elsewhere Occur Despite Israel’s Gaza Withdrawal & Hope For Improved International Support

New York – The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopted six resolutions this month by large margins that were overwhelmingly critical of or hostile to Israel, despite claims and hopes by many that Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza and northern Samaria and the forced evacuation of 10,000 Jews from their homes and businesses would lead to […]

Jewish Students Of America, Know Your Legal Rights – by Susan Tuchman, Director of the Center for Law and Justice at the ZOA

As published in the Jerusalem Post We are facing a crisis on American college campuses. Anti-Semitism and vicious anti-Israel sentiment are flourishing, and many Jewish students are feeling harassed and intimidated. The crisis must be addressed, and there are legal tools we can use. The anti-Semitism is not limited to slurs, threats and physical attacks […]

ZOA Criticizes UN Chief Kofi Annan & Others For Attending Palestine Day Ceremony Featuring Map Without Israel & Honoring Terrorists

ZOA urges all Jewish leaders& rabbis to condemn UN leaders The ZOA has strongly criticized the United Nations Secretary-General, Kofi Annan, as well the presidents of the U.N. General Assembly and the Security Council and other dignitaries for attending a U.N. “Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People,” at which a minute of silence was […]