Category News
ZOA Regrets President Bush’s Public Demands On Israel While He Praised Palestinian Authority’s Abbas

New York – The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is deeply disappointed by President Bush’s strong and sometimes troubling public demands of Israel while he praised Holocaust Denier Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority (PA) and made no real public demands of the PA. In a press conference in the Rose Garden at the […]

Sharansky To Congress: No Gaza Withdrawal Without Ending Terror And Incitement

Don’t RepeatOslo MistakesNew York – In a Congressional hearing yesterday, chaired by U.S. Cong. Christopher Shays (R-CT), Natan Sharansky, former Israeli Minister of Diaspora Affairs, said that “any Israeli concession as part of the Road Map, including the Gaza withdrawal, should be contingent on dismantling the terror groups, ending incitement in the schools and media, […]

ADL Poll – 59% Of Americans Oppose Rush To A Palestinian State

New York — In a poll released last week by the Anti-Defamation League, Americans were asked to choose between two statements. 1) Palestinians deserve their own homeland — an independent State. Peace in the Middle East will be strengthened by the creation of this State as soon as possible. 2) A Palestinian State should only […]

Arab Knesset Member, A Former Arafat Aide, Casts Deciding Vote To Fund Gaza Withdrawal

New York – The Israel National News reported that Ahmed Tibi, an Arab member of the Israeli Knesset and a former top aide to terrorist Yasser Arafat, cast the deciding vote in the Knesset Finance Committee yesterday, allotting over $25 million to fund the uprooting and evacuation of 10,000 Jews from the Jewish Beachside section […]

Israeli Support For Gaza Withdrawal Plan Drops To 54%

Sharon Stops ArabPrisoner ReleaseNew York – The New York Times reported today that an Israeli opinion poll “on Friday put support for Sharon’s plan to pull out of Gaza at 54% down from 61% three weeks ago.” The pull-quote of the New York Times article was “Support fades for Sharon’s Plan to Withdraw from Gaza.” […]

Wall Street Journal: Gaza Withdrawal Divides Israel’s Military

10,000 Soldiers SayNo to ParticipationNew York – On Tuesday, May 3, 2005, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) ran a front page article entitled, “In Israel, Pullout From Gaza Divides Its Military, Too,” the subheading was, “(Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Chief) General Harel tries to overcome resistance among troops.” The WSJ article stated that, “after decades […]

Minister Sharansky Quits Sharon’s Government To Protest Tragic Mistake of Gaza Withdrawal Plan

New York – Natan Sharansky, Israeli Minister of Diaspora Affairs and Jerusalem, today resigned from the cabinet of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to protest his strong opposition to the Gaza withdrawal plan. The Sharon/Peres Gaza Withdrawal Plan will hand over the Jewish section of Gaza to the Palestinians (this is only 12% of Gaza – […]

ADL’s Poll Results Supporting Gaza Withdrawal Are Meaningless

NEW YORK – The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has released a poll last week showing that a majority of Americans support the Gaza withdrawal plan, while about 25% of Americans are opposed. ADL took out large ads in papers throughout the U.S., signed by its National Chair, Barbara Balser, and its National Director, Abraham H. Foxman, […]

Arab Druze Knesset Member: Gaza Plan Is Bad For Israel Security – Great For Hamas Terrorists

NEW YORK: Ayoob Kara, a Druze Arab Knesset member of the Likud Party, told the World Net Daily that “This Gaza withdrawal is going to be terrible for Israel security. Hamas is going to become dominant as soon as Israel leaves Gaza, and they will use the land they’re receiving to stage more attacks against […]

Sharon: No Road Map, No Concessions Until Palestinians End Terror And Incitement

In a meeting with American Jewish leaders in Washington, DC yesterday, Israeli Prime Minister Sharon said several times that “We are in the pre-Road Map phase, we are not in the phase of the Road Map and there will be no compromise and the Road Map won’t start until there is full compliance by the […]