Category Press Release
Disgrace: Abbas Promotes Jew Killer for Nobel Peace Prize

Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority (PA) has launched a worldwide campaign to nominate jailed Fatah Jew killer Marwan Barghouti for the Nobel Peace Prize. Barghouti, who is horrifyingly, a popular Palestinian Arab figure, is serving five life terms for his role in terrorist attacks which claimed the lives of five Israelis. He is also founder of the […]

UNESCO Lies About Mount of Olives “Jewish Fake Graves” While Thousands Gather for All-Day Inaugural Jerusalem Passover Event

Six months of ICPHH planning with Culture Minister Miri Regev (shown left) and others, thanks to major allocations from Regev’s ministry and the Jerusalem Development Authority, came together during the Passover holiday break for a first ever full day of performances and tours on Jerusalem’s Mount of Olives. Regev, with whom ICPHH’s Israel co-chair Jeff […]

Nazi-like Palestinians Call for Murdering Jews and Praise Murderers

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has pointed out three new glaring examples of incitement to hatred and murder within Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority (PA), which has met with silence from the Obama Administration and other governments around the world. The ZOA has also renewed its call for U.S. aid to the PA to be […]

ZOA Criticizes Biden’s Violating His Pledge by His Ludicrous Public Criticism of PM Netanyahu

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has criticized Vice-President Joseph Biden’s attack on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government in a speech he delivered to the the extremist anti-Israel J Street group.   Biden violated his own “Biden Doctrine” pledge, and warning he announced at the 2001 ZOA Brandeis Dinner in Philadelphia in […]

ZOA Supports Israeli P.M. Netanyahu’s Statement that Israel Will Retain Control of Golan Heights

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) supported Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s assertion that the Golan Heights will remain permanently under Israeli control, a statement that has been criticized by President Barack Obama’s Administration. In a Cabinet meeting, Mr. Netanyahu cited the millennia-long Jewish connection the Golan Heights and said that “Israel will never withdraw […]

ZOA Event: MK Ohana Spoke on Israel’s Security Situation to Standing Room Crowd

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton Klein released the following statement: The Zionist Organization of America wishes to thank the Hillcrest Jewish Center in Queens, New York, and its charismatic Rabbi Manes Kogan and dedicated activist Robert Kenler for hosting and co-sponsoring with ZOA a successful breakfast talk by dynamic young Israeli Knesset Member […]

ZOA to CUNY Leaders: Exercise Moral Leadership and Publicly Condemn CUNY’s Anti-Israel Boycott Resolution

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) today called on James B. Milliken, the Chancellor of The City of New York (CUNY), and the CUNY Board of Trustees to issue a statement to the CUNY community, publicly condemning a resolution to boycott Israeli academic institutions, which is under consideration by the Doctoral Students’ Council (DSC), the […]

Obama Must Veto Anti-Israel UN Resolution On “Settlements”

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) opposes as racist and a violation of the Oslo Accords a push by Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority (PA) to have a draft resolution introduced in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) condemning construction of Jewish homes within Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria as an obstacle to peace. It […]

Legal Grounds, Co-Chaired by ZOA’s Daube, Introduces New Law Course for Future Advocates of Israel

Distinguished experts in international law have been tapped by the Legal Grounds Campaign, which is co-chaired by ZOA Israel Director Jeff Daube, to teach select Israeli students in law and international relations about Israel’s legal rights, especially as applied to administration, residence and development in Judea and Samaria. The brand new Salomon Benzimra Memorial Law Course, named after the […]

ZOA: Another ABC Series (“Scandal”) Engages in (this time, Veiled) Anti-Semitism

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein and ZOA Director of Special Projects Liz Berney, Esq. issued the following statement: Last week, an ABC TV series, aptly named “Scandal,” equated “wearing a black skullcap” to evil-doing.  A black skullcap (also called a yarmulke or kippah) is an item worn by religious Jews.  In […]