Category Press Release
ZOA Retracts its 2011 Qualified Support of Daniel Shapiro to be US Ambassador to Israel

ZOA President Morton A. Klein released the following statement: We find Ambassador Shapiro’s statements at the Institute for National Security Studies to be false, hostile, and one sided against the United States most reliable ally, Israel which is surrounded by hostile Arab enemies, many devoted to its destruction. We also find Amb. Shapiro’s deafening silence […]

Obama Lifts Iran Sanctions Despite IAEA Report Noting Possible Military Dimensions of Nuclear Program

In his statement on Sunday January 17, 2016, President Obama glowingly asserted that sanctions were being lifted on Iran because “Iran’s actions have been verified.”  However, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)’s December 15, 2016 report (entitled “Final Assessment on Past and Present Outstanding Issues Regarding Iran’s Nuclear Programme”) describes serious possible military dimensions (“PMD”s) […]

Obama Ending Iranian Sanctions Biggest Nightmare Since Chamberlain

Morton Klein, president of the Zionist  Organization of America issued the following statement: The Obama administration’s unlawful lifting of critical banking, shipping, oil, steel, and other sanctions on Iran this past weekend – despite the radical terrorist Islamic regime of Iran’s string of violations and continuing genocidal ambitions since the Iran deal’s inception – is […]

ZOA Appalled: Radical Muslim Leaders Invited to Attend State of the Union Address

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is appalled that Senator Cory Booker (D-N.J.) and Democratic Congressional Representatives invited Islamist guests with terrorist organization affiliations to the State of the Union (“SOTU”) address. It was likewise appalling that during his SOTU address, President Obama made one-sided, unfounded “Islamophobia” comments, downplayed terrorism dangers, and touted the Iran […]

ZOA Condemns Obama Interference in Domestic Israeli Legislation

The Zionist Organization of America ZOA) has condemned President Barack Obama for interfering in the internal domestic legislative process in Israel regarding the proposed Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) law, whereby Israeli NGOs that receive more than half of their funds from foreign governments would be obligated to disclose their sources of funding and identify themselves as […]

ZOA Opposes Obama’s Spying On Israelis, Pro-Israel Groups, Members of Congress

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has opposed President Obama and expressed deep concern following reports that his Administration has been spying on Israel, a close American ally, as well as on American citizens, pro-Israel American groups and Members of Congress. All were engaged in entirely legitimate political activity opposing President Obama’s catastrophic nuclear pact […]

ZOA – New Poll: 67% Palestinians Support Stabbing & Murdering Jews

A new Palestinian Arab poll has shown that a “growing majority” now 67% of Palestinian Arabs  support the recent scourge of terrorist knife attacks, car rammings and murders of  Israeli Jews, while only and 31% oppose it. The poll, conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) in cooperation with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung […]

ZOA Praises Sen. Cruz & 31 Legislators Call For Closure of PLO Washington Office

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) praises Senator Ted Cruz (R–TX) and 31 other legislators in their call for the closure of the PLO Office in Washington, D.C. The ZOA supports their position, since Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority (PA) has never fulfilled its obligations under the Oslo Accords to outlaw terrorist groups, extradite terrorists, confiscate […]

ZOA Condemns Kerry For Supporting Iran’s Outrageous Demands Despite Violations

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) condemns U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry for reassuring Iran in a December 19 letter that sanctions will be lifted – while ignoring Iran’s grievous violations of the Iran deal (the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA), and for reassuring Iran that the Obama administration will waive and […]

ZOA Criticizes US Denying Security Clearance of Jewish Dentist Because He Has Relatives In Israel

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is appalled that the U.S. Office of Personnel Management decided that Jewish-American dentist Dr. Gershon Pincus has “divided loyalties” and denied the dentist’s security clearance for the sole reason that Dr. Pincus has an elderly mother, brother and sister living in Israel.   The security clearance denial means that Dr. […]