Category Press Release
Only This Judicial Reform Can Save Israel From Dictatorial Supreme Court – ZOA’s Mort Klein Op-Ed in Jerusalem Post

By Morton A. Klein (APRIL 4, 2023 / JERUSALEM POST) The Israeli government’s decision to delay enacting badly-needed, reasonable, democratic judicial reforms brings to mind the famous adage, “justice delayed is justice denied.” Delaying the judicial reform can enable the court to continue to ignore laws passed by Israel’s elected government; decide cases based on a judge’s subjective […]

ACTION ALERT: Attend Court Hearing of Men Who Allegedly Planned Terrorist Attack on Synagogue – Tomorrow, April 4 In NYC

What: Attend Court Hearing Regarding Defendants Who Allegedly Planned NYC Synagogue Attack  When: Tomorrow – April 4, 2023 at 10 a.m. Where: New York Supreme Court, 111 Centre Street, 7th floor,  Room 733, part 31, Courtroom of Judge Diane Kiesel We know the day before Erev Pesach is a very busy time, but if you can, […]

ZOA Opposes Biden Criticizing Israel’s Domestic Policies – Yet He Doesn’t Criticize Palestinians’ Terrorist Dictatorship

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) National President Morton A. Klein released the following statement: Biden’s Latest Improper Interference in Israel’s Proposed Internal Democratic Judicial Reforms: Biden stated that he hopes that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu “walks away” from the Israeli government’s proposed judicial reforms. In addition, the same day, Biden stated that he was “very […]

ZOA Agrees with Statement by Israel MK Dan Illouz, Former ZOA Israel Director, Criticizing Pres. Biden’s Inappropriate Interference in Israel’s Internal Affairs

To: Fellow members of the legislative branch; Members of congress Re: Statement of President Biden Re: the State of Israel and the Netanyahu Government I am writing to you following the statement made by President Biden regarding the State of Israel and to the Netanyahu government yesterday. At this time, I feel that the statement […]

ZOA Opposes One-Sided 4-6 Month Israeli Building Freeze and Helping PA Finances while PA Increases Rewards to Terrorists

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) president Morton A. Klein released the following statement: In 1920-1921, 1929, and 1936-1939, when Arabs brutally slaughtered hundreds of innocent Jews in the Hebron massacre, Nebi Mussa massacre, pogroms in Jerusalem, and other massacres, the British Mandatory overlords didn’t punish or restrict the Arabs. Instead, the British illegally restricted Jewish […]

ZOA: Stop Biden/Blinken/Amr Unconscionable Plan to Establish Army of 5,000 Palestinian-Arab Terrorists plus U.S./Foreign Forces.

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) denounces, in the strongest possible terms, the Biden Administration’s unconscionable, illegal plan to provide commando training in Jordan to a 5,000-man Palestinian-Arab army of terrorists or future terrorists; and to then equip and deploy this Palestinian-Arab commando army in Judea/Samaria, along with foreign and U.S. forces.  The administration’s horrific, […]

ZOA Criticizes Herzog‘s “Phony Compromise” Partisan Far-Left Proposal for Israel’s Supreme Court Which Retains Their Undemocratic Power

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) National President Morton A. Klein and ZOA Director of Research & Special Projects, Liz Berney, Esq. released the following statement: The Zionist Organization of America is deeply disappointed by ceremonial Israeli President Isaac Herzog for his Orwellian speech on March 15, 2023, falsely claiming to offer a “golden mean” “compromise” […]

ZOA’s Morton Klein and Others Met with Finance Minister Smotrich

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), the oldest pro-Israel organization in the United States, was founded in 1897. Its presidents have included Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis, Rabbis Abba Hillel Silver and Stephen Wise. ZOA is also a charter, founding member of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. Recently, ZOA President […]

ZOA Condemns U.S. State Dept. Funding Anti-Israel Protest Organizers in Israel

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) National President Morton A. Klein released the following statement: It is appalling that the U.S. State Department is sending our U.S. tax dollars to the partisan, radical left wing anti-government, anti-Netanyahu, so-called “Movement for Quality Government” (MQG) protest organization in Israel. (See Report: “How Taxpayer Funds Are Flowing to a […]

Twenty-Three Jewish Organizations Sign Letter Demanding Justice for Joey Borgen – Jewish Victim of Vicious Antisemitic Gang Assault in Midtown Manhattan

ZOA Action Alert: Please Attend Court Hearing on Thursday Morning March 9 at 9:30 A.M. On May 20, 2021, a Jew-hating gang viciously assaulted Joey Borgen, a Jewish accountant wearing a yarmulka who was simply walking to a pro-Israel demonstration in midtown Manhattan. The gang knocked Joey Borgen to the ground; beat him with a […]