Category ZOA in the news
ZOA Op-Ed: Rutgers’ Appalling Tolerance of Anti-Semitism

  Rutgers University has one of the largest Jewish undergraduate populations in the United States. It has a beautiful new Hillel building and one of the finest Hillel directors in the country. But Rutgers has had a serious anti-Semitism problem for years, and the administration is ignoring it. In 2011, a Jewish student who spoke […]

ZOA’s Klein Quoted In Front Page NY Times Article on Jerusalem Embassy

Ten days before Donald J. Trump took office, Sheldon G. Adelson went to Trump Tower for a private meeting. Afterward, Mr. Adelson, the casino billionaire and Republican donor, called an old friend, Morton A. Klein, to report that Mr. Trump told him that moving the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem would be a […]

ZOA’s Mort Klein Quoted in NY Times on Jerusalem

President Trump plans to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and move the American Embassy there, upending nearly seven decades of American foreign policy and potentially destroying his efforts to broker peace between Israel and the Palestinians. Mr. Trump’s decision, a high-risk foray into the thicket of the Middle East, was driven not by […]

OP-ED BY: Morton A. Klein ZOA’s Klein Condemns New School for Inviting Jew-Hater Sarsour to Discuss Anti-Semitism

Imagine a college convening a panel to discuss “Antisemitism and the Struggle for Justice,” that features a woman who seeks the destruction of the Jewish state, and who publicly stands with and supports a Palestinian-Arab terrorist who was convicted of murdering Jewish college students. That is precisely what The New School in New York City […]

ZOA Superstar Gala Will Appear on JBS

JBS presents a 2-hour special from the annual Zionist Organization of America Gala of 2017 featuring U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, Prof. Alan Dershowitz, former Sen. Joe Lieberman, Mort Klein, Sen. Tom Cotton and Steve Bannon. ABC’s Rita Cosby hosts the evening and the Gala is followed by interviews with David Friedman, Ken Abramowitz, […]

Algemeiner’s Ira Stoll Condemns Bret Stephen’s Criticism of ZOA

When The New York Times hired Bret Stephens earlier this year as an op-ed columnist, I wrote, “His voice will be a welcome addition and corrective to the Times tilt against Israel.” Who knew then that he’d wind up using his new platform to criticize a pro-Israel organization? Yet that’s exactly what Stephens did in a recent column lacing into the Zionist […]

Mark Levin Transcript Defending ZOA Against NY Times Stephens’ Falsehoods

Mark Levin: Bret Stephens in his New York Times article smears Steve Bannon (November 16, 2017) Transcript: I just read this, not too long ago.  There was an op-ed in the New York Times today, by a fellow by the name of Bret Stephens.  You should go back and look at a number of […]

Article Exposing Falsehoods in Bret Stephens’ Criticism of Bannon

New York Times columnist Bret Stephens is outraged that Breitbart News executive chairman Steve Bannon spoke at the Zionist Organization of America dinner on Sunday night. So outraged, in fact, that he is wiling to disgrace himself by hurling the same baseless accusations of antisemitism that have been aimed at Bannon since he was named CEO of the […]

OP-ED BY: Steve Feldman, Lee Bender and Kevin Ross ZOA Op-Ed About Anti-Semitism

We were heartened to learn that a Philadelphia synagogue is offering an adult education course about anti-Semitism, a timeless scourge that every generation must combat. But why is the course seemingly prompted, as its website suggests, solely by Christian sources of Jew-hatred and August’s despicable anti-Jewish events in Charlottesville—rather than July’s equally despicable calls in […]