Category ZOA in the news
Article Citing ZOA Concern that Taylor Force Bill Weakened

US lawmakers denounced on Thursday the Palestinian Authority’s “sick” policy of paying salaries to terrorists and their families after the Senate Foreign Relations Committee passed the Taylor Force Act — which conditions $300 million of annual aid from the US on the PA ending the policy. The committee approved the act by a 17-4 vote […]

ZOA Replies to State Dept. Response to ZOA’s Criticism of Terrorism Report

Zionist Organization of America President Morton A. Klein released the following response to the U.S. State Department spokesperson’s comments at the U.S. State Department’s July 25, 2017 press briefing: Last week, ZOA carefully detailed the anti-Israel biases and falsehoods in the State Department’s “Country Reports on Terrorism 2016” (issued July 2017) and called for Secretary […]

State Dept. Questioned about ZOA’s Criticism of its Terrorism Report

The U.S. State Department defended an annual report on terrorism under fire from pro-Israel groups for saying that a lack of hope drives Palestinian violence. Meanwhile, the umbrella foreign policy group for Jewish organizations expressed its “deep concerns” about the report, saying it shifts responsibility for terrorism from the Palestinians to Israel. “In that report […]

JTA: ZOA Calls On Secy/State Tillerson to Resign Over Israel-Hating Report On Terrorism

WASHINGTON (JTA) — The Zionist Organization of America called on Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to resign over the State Department terrorism report that the ZOA called “bigoted, biased, anti-Semitic, Israel-hating (and) error-ridden.” “This Tillerson State Department Report blames Israel for Palestinian Arab terrorist attacks on innocent Jews and Americans, ignores and whitewashes the Palestinian […]

ZOA Gov’t Relations Director Dan Pollak Speaks at Arlington Nat. Cemetery

  The Jewish War Veterans (JWV) honored British General Orde Wingate on the 73rd anniversary of his death on June 25. Wingate is credited with training the earliest leadership of the Haganah, the Jewish paramilitary organization which became the core of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) prior to Israel’s independence.  Dan Pollak (pictured) of the […]

Roger Waters Accused of Peddling ‘Anti-Semitism’, ‘Hatred’ Ahead of U.S. Concert

Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters was accused of pushing anti-Semitism and anti-Israel hatred ahead of his concert in Miami on Thursday night. Waters, 73, has long been a proponent of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement that targets Israel for economic sanctions. The bass player was to perform at the American Airlines Arena as part of […]

OP-ED BY: Len Getz ZOA Op-Ed: PA Lies to American Presidents

When Mahmoud Abbas visited the White House in May, he assured Donald Trump that “we are raising our children, our grandchildren on a culture of peace.” But when President Trump met with Abbas in Bethlehem, the US leader was furious. “You lied to me,” Trump reportedly said. “The Israelis showed me that you are involved in incitement.” Indeed, there’s an abundance […]

OP-ED BY: Morton A. Klein and Daniel Mandel ZOA Op-Ed: Pres. Trump – Don’t Consider Dangerous Allen/Bauman Peace Plan

President Donald Trump entered the White House committed to finding “the ultimate deal” to bring about an Israeli/Palestinian Arab peace. Though putting himself on record in February as favoring no particular type of solution other than one that commends itself to both sides, President Trump’s advisers are now reportedly examining a plan for a Palestinian […]

ZOA Criticizes US Stadiums for Failing to Boycott Roger Waters

Attempting to turn the tables on the Israel-boycotting musician Roger Waters, the Zionist Organization of America on Friday condemned a number of leading American companies that own major stadiums across North America for hosting the former Pink Floyd singer’s current concert tour and urged them instead to dissociate themselves from him. In allowing Waters to […]

ZOA’s Klein on Radio Discussing Embassy, Jerusalem, “Occupation”

Nachum Segal Network welcomed Zionist Organization of America (“ZOA”) National President, Mort Klein to JM in the AM to discuss the US holding back on moving the embassy to Jerusalem and a host of other topics concerning the US-Israel relationship. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN   “Founded in 1897, the ZOA is the oldest pro-Israel organization […]