Category ZOA in the news
Article Cites ZOA Criticizing ADL for Again Signing Letter With Radical Anti-Israel Groups

Not only is the Jonathan Greenblatt era ADL failing to defend Jews, but its pandering to the left has taken it into direct solidarity with anti-Semitic organizations. The ADL signed on to a Muslim Advocates letter attacking Act for America’s anti-Sharia marches. But Act for America, unlike many of the groups that co-signed the letter, […]

ZOA’s Klein on Breitbart Site/Radio: Sen. Brown (D-OH) Falsely Calls Bannon Anti-Semitic

Democratic U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio finds himself in serious political trouble after he inaccurately accused Breitbart News Network and chief White House strategist Stephen K. Bannon of being anti-Semitic last week. Bannon is the former executive chairman of Breitbart News. Last Tuesday, Brown appeared at a Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) event in […]

Correction: Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) Never Criticized ZOA at ZOA DC Luncheon/Lobbying Mission

The title of your article “Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown Scolds ZOA For Praising Steve Bannon” is absolutely inaccurate and misleading. Senator Brown never “scolded” the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA). He made no negative statement about ZOA. At the ZOA luncheon, Brown merely voiced his erroneous opinions that the Trump Administration and Mr. Bannon are […]

ADL and the Morphing of Anti-Semitism

Where is the Anti-Defamation League (ADL)?  As a “new antisemitism” casts the Jewish state as the cruelest of nations, and her Jewish supporters as “racists,” the ADL has been largely silent. The lies are spread in newspapers, churches and college classrooms. On campuses, Jewish students are harassed and intimidated. Even the curricula in many public high schools and middle schools is biased against Israel. Yet the ADL, once the Jewish people’s defense agency, seems unable or […]

OP-ED BY: Morton A. Klein and Daniel Mandel Op-Ed: End the Propaganda Myth that Jerusalem is Holy to Muslims

Upon the 50th anniversary of the Jewish state of Israel’s reunification of Jerusalem, there is no better time to end the propaganda myth that Jerusalem is a holy city to Muslims.  The Muslim fixation and clamor on Jerusalem is actually a very recent historical development—a product of political conflict, not historical truth. Jerusalem rates not […]

OP-ED BY: Morton A. Klein and Susan B. Tuchman, Esq. ZOA Op-Ed Condemns CUNY Honoring Israel Hating, Terror Supporting Sarsour

Despite mounting criticism, the City University of New York (CUNY) has refused to rescind its selection of Linda Sarsour — an Israel-bashing, terror supporter — as the keynote speaker at CUNY’s School of Public Health and Health Policy’s June 1 commencement ceremony. According to a statement issued by CUNY Chancellor James Milliken, CUNY wrongly claimed […]

JTA: Meet the Jews Who Vouch for Trump Aides Bannon and Gorka

Once it was the job of the shtadlan — a literal translation from Hebrew is “intercessor” — to make the case for the Jews to the czar, the sultan, the king. Now a couple of the president’s men are seeking shtadlans to make their case to the Jews. Stephen Bannon, President Donald Trump’s top strategic […]

ZOA’s Klein Quoted About NATO

The influential conservative pro-Israel leader, Morton Klein, says he’s deeply concerned to read a CNN report that former Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison is the leading contender to be the U.S. ambassador to NATO. Klein, who leads the conservative Zionist Organization of America, is close to Republican and pro-Trump mega-donor Sheldon Adelson. Klein tells me the […]

OP-ED BY: Lee Bender ZOA Philly Pres. Bender on Talking to Teens about Israel

I was recently invited to address classes at a Sunday Hebrew high school and a Jewish high school (many of whom have recently spent three months living and studying in Israel).  I am frequently requested to speak, be part of panel discussions, and be a radio guest in my capacity as co-president of Zionist Organization […]

JTA: ZOA/Others Urge Cancelling CUNY Honoring Anti-Israel Bigot Sarsour

A New York public university is standing by its decision to invite Palestinian-American activist Linda Sarsour to deliver a commencement address despite some opposition. Sarsour, who stirred controversy last month by saying one cannot be part of the feminist movement unless he or she is critical of Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, was chosen to […]