Category ZOA in the news
NY Daily News: ZOA Exposes CUNY Professor’s Jew Hatred

A pro-Israeli group has targeted a CUNY professor it said has engaged in anti-Semitism. The Zionist Organization of America, in a letter to state Sen. Jack Martins, ripped Sarah Schulman, who holds the title of distinguished professor of English at the College of Staten Island. Schulman also serves as the faculty adviser to Students for […]

JPost: ZOA Refutes ADL Criticizing Trump’s Opposing Syrian Muslim Immigration

Accusing Donald Trump of cheering on violence and promoting racism, the Anti-Defamation League on Sunday announced that it will allocate a sum equal to what it has received from the Republican front-runner over the years to anti-bullying education. The Jewish advocacy group also called on other non-profit organizations to follow suit. Trump has given nearly […]

Wall Street Journal: NY State Senate Cuts CUNY Funding After ZOA Anti-Semitism Complaint

It came as no surprise this week when New York’s Senate backed Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s proposal to cut state funding to the City University of New York. Few in Albany were prepared, however, when the Senate, in its own budget proposal, criticized CUNY’s handling of alleged anti-Semitism. In light of the issue, the Senate said […]

Jewish Press on ZOA Fighting CUNY Anti-Semitism

The City University of New York’s response to a series of anti-Semitic incidents on its campuses – to date it has asked for recommendations from outside counsel and set up a “working group” and a “task force” – is tepid and inadequate, according to several critics. CUNY Chancellor James B. Milliken announced the public university […]

OP-ED BY: Morton A. Klein, Susan B. Tuchman, Esq., and Zach Stern ZOA Op-Ed on CUNY SJP Anti-Semitism

Campus anti-Semitism is a growing national problem and frighteningly, it has infected The City University of New York (CUNY), historically a haven for Jews and other minorities seeking an excellent, affordable college education.  We work closely with students and others at CUNY and implore the leadership to finally fix the problem before the verbal violence […]

NY Post: ZOA Says NY Leaders Must Stand Up to Anti-Semitism at CUNY

Americans are mourning today the murder of one of their finest sons, Taylor Force, a West Point graduate. He made it through tours in Iraq and Afghanistan only to be stabbed to death by a Palestinian Arab terrorist on the streets of Tel Aviv. It is a bitter moment, one that will be talked about at […]

NY Jewish Week: ZOA Criticizes CUNY Action Against Anti-Semitism as Weak and Inadequate

Two and a half weeks after a group of students chanting slogans including “Zionists off campus” broke up a Brooklyn College faculty council meeting, City University of New York Chancellor James B. Milliken announced the school had hired outside attorneys to investigate complaints that a student group is causing Jews to feel harassed and physically […]

Algemeiner: ZOA Demands ABC’s Anti-Semitic Israel-Bashing Quantico be Cancelled

A major Jewish group is gathering signatures for a petition against ABCto cancel the series Quantico, amid allegations of anti-Israel and antisemitic content. The Zionist Organization of America has been protesting what it considers the “blatant, vicious defamation of Jews, Israel and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), promoting ugly lies against the Jewish people and […]

ZOA’s Klein Letter in Wall St. Journal on Why No Peace

A sovereign state run by Mahmoud Abbas’s terror-rewarding and supporting Palestinian Authority isn’t an “existential necessity.” Rather, it would be simply another international beggar state that in time would fall into the hands of jihadists like Hamas, just as stronger regimes like Syria and Iraq have imploded into warring jihadist factions. Israel’s “growing pariah status” […]

ZOA Florida Director Quoted Criticizing Anti-Israel Play

The unhappy voices have spoken and the Michael-Ann Russell Jewish Community Center in North Miami Beach responded to them. As a result, the MAR-JCC decided to cancel the remaining performances of its Cultural Arts Theatre’s recent production of the drama “Crossing Jerusalem” mid-way through its run after many in the community advocated passionately to put […]