Category ZOA in the news
ZOA Demands Biden Administration Stop Subsidizing Palestinian Arab Terror Against Israel

According to a report released this week by the Israel Defense Forces, there have been 280 terrorist incidents in Israel so far this year, compared with 91 in 2021. In addition, 500 attacks were thwarted by Israeli security. On Tuesday, a female IDF soldier was seriously injured when she was run over by a terrorist […]

ZOA’s Director Whisler Thanked by Mayor for Being Impetus for Broward County, Florida Adopting IHRA Antisemitism Definition | Israel National News

(SEPTEMBER 22, 2022 / ISRAEL NATIONAL NEWS) Broward County, Florida has adopted the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism. The Broward County Commission adopted the definition at a meeting on Tuesday, the Sun-Sentinel reported. The move was applauded by the Florida chapter of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA). In March, the ZOA called […]

ZOA Takes Legal Action Against Anti-Israel Speech from Clifton, NJ Board of Education Commissioners – The Jewish Press

By Eve Glover (SEPTEMBER 7, 2022 / JEWISH PRESS) On May 20, 2021 during a monthly Clifton, NJ school board Zoom meeting where topics such as social distancing and lunch pricing were discussed, Clifton Board of Education commissioners Feras Awwad and Fahim Abedrabbo used their platforms to engage in vitriolic speech against Israel. A war […]

ZOA Slams Extreme Anti-Israel Berkeley Law School Bylaw | Israel National News – Arutz Sheva

(SEPTEMBER 2, 2022 / ISRAEL NATIONAL NEWS) The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) denounced an “antisemitic, anti-Israel bylaw” promoted by Berkeley Law Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) that was adopted by nine student groups at the University of California’s Berkeley Law. Besides supporting BDS, the bylaw pledges that groups will not invite speakers who […]

ZOA Gov’t Relations Dir. Dan Pollak Quoted in J Post: Israeli General Slams ‘Antisemitic’ German Official

By Benjamin Weinthal (AUGUST 12, 2022 / JERUSALEM POST) Top military and intelligence experts in Israel, the United States and Great Britain have urged the government of Baden-Württemberg to oust the German state’s commissioner for combating antisemitism, Michael Blume, for terming Israeli national hero Orde Wingate a “war criminal.” There has been widespread outrage among […]

Israel Natl News—ZOA’s Susan Tuchman, Head of its Center for Law and Justice, Appealing Case of Anti-Israel NJ School Board Members

Two NJ school board members who made anti-Israel statements during board meeting violated state school ethics law, ZOA says. (AUGUST 9, 2022 / ISRAEL NATIONAL NEWS) The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is appealing a decision by a New Jersey state agency to dismiss an ethics complaint against two school board members who slandered Israel. […]

OP-ED ZOA’s Condemnation of Black Lives Matter Defended by JNS’ Tobin: Jews Supporting BLM Empowered Antisemitism

Jewish Groups, led by Reform (Jacobs) & Conservative (Blumenthal) Leaders, Peace Now (Susskind), HIAS (Hetfield) Natl Council Jewish Women (Katz), Ameinu (Bob), Defended/Supported Israel-Hating, Jew-Hating BLM & Condemned ZOA’s Criticism of BLM Tobin Calls Jewish Leaders Who Condemned ZOA for ZOA’s Criticism of Israel-Hating, Jew-Hating BLM “Disgraceful” — And Jewish Leaders Never Apologized to ZOA […]

OP-ED ZOA Quoted In: Biden’s Israel Ambassador Tells BDS Group He Wants Jews Out of Jerusalem | FrontpageMag

By Daniel Greenfield (WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23, 2022 / FRONTPAGEMAG) Biden’s ambassador to Israel appeared at a pro-BDS group’s webinar co-hosted by its CEO, who had described Israel as an “oppressive regime”, and told its audience that the real problem with the Palestinian Authority funding terrorism is that “it gives the ‘haters’ an excuse not to […]