Category ZOA in the news Lawsuits by American victims could bankrupt Palestinian Authority

WASHINGTON — The Bush administration is considering a waiver to protect the Palestinian Authority from lawsuits by the victims of Palestinian attacks. Officials said PA Prime Minister Salam Fayyad has warned that his government could not pay the more than $500 million in judgements won against the PA by the families of victims of Palestinian […]

Jewish Press: Gaza’s Palestinian Civilians Are Not Israel’s Responsibility

By: Dr. Michael Goldblatt and Dr. Daniel Mandel If you think one side in a conflict is under no moral or legal obligation to send supplies to the population of the other, you have not heard what The New York Times or Human Rights Watch’s Joel Stork have been saying about Israel’s duties toward Gaza. […]

JTA: ZOA opens Jerusalem office

The Zionist Organization of America opened a Jerusalem office.   The office, whose opening will be officially announced at a news conference in Jerusalem later this month, is headed by Jeffrey Daube, a former special needs educator with extensive experience in Israel issues in Washington.   Daube has been associated with several pro-Israel groups, including […]

Letter: New York Times Letters to the Editor: Daniel Gavron claims that the Arab world…

New York TimesLetters to the Editor Dear Editor: Daniel Gavron claims that the Arab world, including Saudi Arabia, is “on record” as accepting Israel in its pre-1967 borders and that Israel thus has won. (“Israel’s secret success,” Feb. 11, 2008) I only wish it were so. But no Arab country including the Palestinian Authority (PA) […]

Letter: Zionist Organization of America maintains MSU is Anti-Semitic

Southern California InFocusThe largest Muslim newspaper in California February 2008Letters To The Editor The legal action the Zionist Organization of America brought on behalf of Jewish students at UC Irvine never challenged the MSU’s right to express opposition to the policies of Israel (Probe Clears Muslim Group and UCI of Anti-Semitism, Jan. 8, 2008). Our […]

Jewish Telegraphic Agency: ZOA chides Hillel on invitations

Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life rejected a call to disinvite two controversial speakers from its upcoming summit. In a letter responding to criticism from the Zionist Organization of America, Hillel Executive Director Wayne Firesetone defended the decision to invite University of Pennsylvania President Amy Guttman and University of California, Irvine Chancellor Michael Drake […]

Letter: Peace Polls by Morton A. Klein

As published in The Jewish Week (New York) Rabbi Arnold Jacob Wolf and Steve Masters claim that “every poll conducted has shown that an overwhelming majority of American Jews supports a U.S.-brokered peace initiative between Israel and the Palestinians” (“Let Us Not Remain The Jews Of Silence,” Jan. 11). They evidently did not consult the […]

LA Jewish Journal: Israel obligated to consider Diaspora views on Jerusalem

ZOA Part of Cover Story Article in LA Jewish Journal By Morton A. Klein Do Jews outside Israel have the right to criticize Israeli policies relating to defense and security matters or eternal issues, like concessions on Jerusalem? Some argue that while Diaspora Jews may debate a range of Israeli policies, national security and defense […]

Jewish Exponent: Former Ambassador to U.N. Advocates for Israel

Lynn B. EdelmanJewish Federation Feature John Bolton is seemingly unafraid of controversy. An outspoken conservative Republican and arguably the most vehement critic of the United Nations since the days of the late former ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick, he was appointed by President Bush as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations in August 2005 in a recess […]

Philadelphia Jewish Voice:

News and Opinion If I Forget Thee… Should Jerusalem be on the table? — J. J. Goldberg It always happens when Israel approaches a peace agreement with the Palestinians: Noisy voices of protest arise within the American Jewish community, arguing that Israel misjudges the Palestinians, doesn’t understand the terrain, doesn’t understand the Middle East as […]