Category ZOA in the news
Letter: The Jewish Week: Foxman on Tutu

Foxman On Tutu The Jewish Week10/19/07 I am surprised and disappointed to see Abe Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) support allowing South Africa’s Desmond Tutu to speak at a Minnesota university despite the fact that Tutu is one of the most virulent critics of Israel and the Jewish people, constantly defaming both. For example, […]

Jewish Telegraphic Agency: Jewish groups plan Jerusalem coalition

Jewish groups plan Jerusalem coalition Jewish Telegraphic Agency   Several U.S. Jewish groups are establishing a coalition that would oppose any plan to divide Jerusalem.   “Ministers of the current Israeli government publicly have floated their intention to divide and surrender the Jewish People’s capital city and discard our holiest site — the Temple Mount,” […]

5 Towns Jewish Times: State Of The Campus

State Of The Campus5 Towns Jewish TimesBy: Fred TaubIf my next lecture were to be about the challenges Jewish students face on American college campuses today, it would focus on the current level of parental involvement with their children’s public school education; meaning, virtually zero involvement.   Jewish college students on most campuses are left […]

Yemen Times: Malaysia takes the initiative, again!

“The Sky is the Limit”Malaysia takes the initiative, again! The Yemen Times By Hassan Al-Haifi   Any Moslem, who heard the news last Sunday (see this link), should turn a once somber face at the pathetic state of the Moslem World today. This is of course thanks to the epitome of bad rulers that have […]

Cleveland Jewish News: Protest ‘Israel lobby’ book

Protest ‘Israel lobby’ book Cleveland Jewish News, Letters and Opinion October 11, 2007   On Sept. 26, the Betar Zionist Movement and the Zionist Organization of America led students and community members in a protest against Professors Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer’s appearance at The City Club and later that evening on the campus of […]

Commentary: Letters to the Editor

Commentary October 2007 Letters To the Editor:   Hillel Halkin writes that because of the large and growing population of Palestinians west of the Jordan River, “Israel’s demise as a Jewish state could take place … by means of demographic swamping alone”–and this even if Israel were to withdraw “to, or nearly to, its 1967 […]

Michigan Journal: Universities bow to right wing pressure, censor scholarship, cut off debate

Universities bow to right wing pressure, censor scholarship, cut off debate By: Rebecca Mahfouz Michigan Journal 10/9/07   The fact that universities often stifle scholarship and squelch debate to appease wealthy alumni is hardly news. Adjusting policy to suit the points of view of powerful donors and university regents is a practice of long standing […]

Vail Daily: Live from NY’s 92nd Street Y continues

Live from NY’s 92nd Street Y continues Vail Daily Daily Staff ReportVail CO, ColoradoOctober 7, 2007   On Monday evening, B’Nai Vail Congregation presents its second free community fall program of the 92nd Street Y satellite series with Caroline Glick, the deputy managing editor of the Jerusalem Post. Glick will discuss Israel’s future and its […]

The Jewish Week: Save The Temple Mount’s Antiquities

Save The Temple Mount’s Antiquities The Jewish Week By Morton Klein and Daniel Mandel   Largely unnoticed and unreported, destruction and irreversible damage to priceless Jewish antiquities beneath Judaism’s holiest site, Jerusalem’s Temple Mount, has been proceeding unhindered for some time now. How can this be? Because the Temple Mount and the two mosques built […]

Washington Jewish Week Online: Misleading the Public

Misleading the public Washington Jewish Week Online September 6, 2007 By Morton A. Klein          Douglas M. Bloomfield contends that “most Israelis back withdrawal” from Judea and Samaria (“The enemy within,” WJW, Sept. 16). That’s not true — sever­al recent polls show the very opposite.   A poll published last month by the Israeli daily, […]