Category ZOA in the news
JNS Quotes ZOA’s Klein: “Why Haven’t Democrats Condemned Omar, Tlaib, AOC & Thrown Them Off Committees?”

Jews Need to Unite and ‘Go On the Offensive’ Against Antisemitism, Assert Leaders By Dmitriy Shapiro (JANUARY 28, 2022 / JNS) Jewish leaders at a virtual panel hosted by the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, held on Wednesday to commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance Day on Thursday, were told by experts that the […]

ZOA Urges Resignation of Florida Gubernatorial Candidate Nikki Fried Over Demented Hitler-DeSantis Comparison – Breitbart

By Joshua Klein (JANUARY 16, 2022 / BREITBART) Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) head Morton Klein expressed outrage after Florida Agriculture Commissioner and Democrat candidate for governor Nikki Fried compared her potential general election opponent Gov. Ron DeSantis to Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, calling her remarks “the ugliest hate speech I’ve ever heard” while urging […]

LA Jewish Journal – ZOA Urges Firing AOC Staffer Who Called Israel “Stolen Land” & a “Racist European Ethnostate”

By Aaron Bandler (JANUARY 4, 2022 / JEWISH JOURNAL) A legislative assistant staffer for Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is under fire over a social media post calling Israel a “racist European ethnostate.” Fox News reported that the staffer, Hussain Altamimi, posted an Instagram story on December 24 featuring an image from an account called “Let’s Talk Palestine” […]

At ZOA Gala Secy Pompeo Gave the Greatest, Most Pro-Israel Speech Ever Delivered by a Public Official

By Joshua Klein (DECEMBER 21, 2021 / BREITBART) Former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo boasted of the Trump administration’s achievements in the Middle East, including brokering monumental peace accords between Israel and Arab states while bringing Iran “to its knees,” as he condemned antisemitism and claimed standing with Israel is a “means to defend […]

Biden Administration Backtracking on Pro-Israel Policies & Made Numerous Anti-Israel Appointments

“We’re at a critical moment when Israel and her leaders and all of us who love Israel must stand strong against what this administration is trying to do,” ZOA President Mort Klein told viewers of the organization’s virtual gala. By Dmitriy Shapiro (DECEMBER 22, 2021 / JNS) Leaders of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) warned supporters […]

Dr. Miri Adelson Introduces Secy Pompeo to ZOA Gala: Biden Reversing Trump’s Support for Israel

ZOA and Sheldon Were a Natural Match, Like Sheldon, ZOA Stands Up for What It Believes, Even if It Means Standing Alone “Sheldon Would Have Loved to Have Be at ZOA’s Gala By Dmitriy Shapiro (DECEMBER 20, 2021 / JNS) Former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo drew comparisons between the pro-Israel actions of the […]

Bennett to ZOA Gala—Iranian Aggression Will Be Met With Full Weight of Israel’s Force

By Dmitriy Shapiro (DECEMBER 20, 2021 / JNS) Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett urged the United States and Europeans to challenge Iran over its violation of nuclear nonproliferation. Speaking at the 2021 virtual gala of the Zionist Organization of America on Sunday, Bennett said that Iran only understands force and that the United States and its allies should take the […]

JNS Quotes ZOA’s Mort Klein on Sen. Dole’s Importance in Passing Jerusalem Embassy Bill

Jewish Leaders, Organizations Mourn Passing of World War II Vet, Longtime Senator Bob Dole By Dmitriy Shapiro (DECEMBER 7, 2021 / JNS) Former longtime Kansas Republican senator, leader and 1996 GOP nominee for president Bob Dole died on Dec. 5 at the age of 98. Dole’s death was announced by the Elizabeth Dole Foundation on Sunday morning, […]

Iranian American Group and ZOA Urge Joe Biden: Resume ‘Maximum Pressure’ on Iran

By Joshua Klein (DECEMBER 6, 2021 / BREITBART) Following yet another round of failed nuclear talks between the U.S. and Iran in Vienna this past week, Iranian advocacy group Iranian Americans for Liberty (IAL) released a joint statement with the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) blasting attempts at “appeasement” and calling to “end the charade […]

BREITBART: ZOA Accuses Israeli Holocaust Yad Vashem Museum of ‘Appalling’ Censorship of Palestinian Mufti Ties to Hitler

By Joshua Klein (DECEMBER 5, 2021 / BREITBART) Following a published letter by the head of “Yad Vashem” — Israel’s premiere Holocaust museum and research center — defending its refusal to display an infamous photograph of leading Palestinian “Mufti” [Islamic legal authority] Haj Amin al-Husseini meeting with Nazi leader Adolf Hitler during the Holocaust, Zionist […]