"Israel A Good Place to Live -- 74%
Poll: Overwhelming 92% Of Israelis Proud Of Their Country
News Press Release
April 18, 2013

A new poll has shown that an overwhelming 92% of Israelis are proud of their country, with three out of four Israelis (74%) regarding Israel as a good place to live their lives. The survey, conducted by New Wave Research and commissioned by Israel Hayom newspaper ahead of Israel Independence Day, shows a 5% increase in those who were found to “very proud” to be Israelis in a similar poll last year (up to 75% from 70%) (‘Israel Independence Day Poll: Israelis Overwhelmingly Proud of their Country, April 15, 2013).

 ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, “These results, consistent with earlier ones, show the utter failure of the Palestinian terror campaign since 2000 to demoralize Israelis into retreat and loss of nerve. 

 “The arch-terrorist Yasser Arafat once said – to an Arab audience in Stockholm, in Arabic, not to the Western media in English – ‘We plan to eliminate the state of Israel and establish a purely Palestinian state. We will make life unbearable for Jews by psychological warfare and population explosion. We Palestinians will take over everything, including all of Jerusalem.’

 “On that basis, we can confidently say that the policy of this war criminal and murderer and the Palestinian movement he headed and still inspires, has conspicuously failed. Israel is a success and its population is growing, happy and proud.”


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