Senior Adviser To P.A.’s Abbas Calls For Murdering Jews
News Press Release
July 17, 2014

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) pointed today to the call by a senior adviser to Mahmoud Abbas, president of the extremist Hamas/Fatah Palestinian Authority (PA), for murderous attacks on Jews living in Judea/Samaria.  

The adviser, Sultan Abu Al-Einein, said in a post on Facebook, “Let every hour of the settlers’ presence on our land be a source of threat and terror for them. Let us deprive their lives of security, so that the Palestinian land becomes a minefield against the occupation. Our people will no longer accept condolences for the deaths of its Martyrs (Shahids), and that the occupation must pay the price for our Martyrs’ blood and itself accept condolences [for those killed]” (Facebook page of Sultan Abu Al-Einein, Fatah Central Committee member, July 7, 2014, translation in ‘Abbas’ advisor calls to murder Israelis,’ Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) bulletin, July 8, 2014).

Last year, Abu Al-Einein publicly expressed praise and support for Salam Al-Zaghal, a Palestinian terrorist who stabbed to death an Israeli, Evyatar Borovsky, saying, “We salute the heroic fighter, the self-sacrificing Salam Al-Zaghal … He insisted on defending his honor, so he went against the settler and killed him. Blessings to the breast that nursed Salam Al-Zaghal” (‘Senior PA officials praise violence against Israel,’ PMW bulletin, May 8 2013).

Five members of the U.S. Congress wrote a letter to Abbas demanding Abu Al-Einein be removed from office after his May 2013 statement but Abbas did nothing. Abu Al-Einein held ministerial rank and was an official adviser to Abbas until last year, when he was appointed Head of the Palestinian Council for NGO Affairs by Abbas.

ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, “This statement, the person who made it and the positions he occupies within the Hamas/Fatah PA tells us plainly why there is presently no prospect of peace. 

“Abu Al-Einein has publicly and repeatedly called for innocent Jews to be murdered. His views are mainstream within the PA (he was cheered by the Palestinian Arab audience before whom he praised the terrorist murderer Al-Zaghal last year); he was not relieved of his post by the ‘moderate’ Mahmoud Abbas, despite a Congressional letter to him pointing out his conduct and seeking his dismissal; and he in fact received a further senior position within the PA.

“This incident is only the latest among innumerable cases showing the Hamas/Fatah PA to be a wholly murderous, pro-terror anti-peace organization that should be immediately deprived of U.S funding and diplomatic support.”

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