ZOA: If Iran Deal Makes Israel “Safer,” Why Offer Israel Additional Arms?
News Press Release
July 21, 2015

ZOA National President Morton A. Klein has released the following statement:


“The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) notes the announcement by the Obama Administration that it is willing to offer Israel additional weapons as a result of the Iran nuclear deal. If in fact the nuclear deal “makes Israel safer” as Secretary of State John Kerry has proclaimed, why would Israel be offered additional weaponry which it apparently doesn’t need?


“If the deal ‘blocks every pathway to Iran getting a nuclear weapon,’ as President Obama and Secretary Kerry have proclaimed, why offer Israel additional arms that it apparently won’t need? 

“If the deal ‘blocks every pathway to Iran getting a nuclear weapon,’ as President Obama and Secretary Kerry have proclaimed, why offer Israel additional arms that it apparently won’t need?


“But of course this offer is a tacit admission of the fact that Israel nor anyone else is safer as a result of this deal, period. Instead, the world has now become a more dangerous place.


“President Obama and Secretary Kerry have also offered the Saudis additional arms. As the Wall Street Journal’s Bret Stephens has observed, ‘What’s the point of providing the Saudis [and Israelis] with defense capabilities they presumably don’t need?’”


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