Israelis Oppose Iran Deal by 7 – 1, Americans by 2 – 1
News Press Release
August 19, 2015

A new Israeli poll has shown that an overwhelming 69% of Israelis oppose the nuclear deal with the radical Shia Islamic regime in Iran concluded by the P1+5 powers (the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, including the United States, plus Germany) last month. The poll, reported in Ha’aretz and conducted by Israel’s Channel 10 the day after the agreement was signed on July 14, found that only 10% of Israelis favored the agreement, while 21% were undecided. The poll also showed that Israelis would be in favor of attacking Iranian nuclear sites by 40% to 32%, with 28% undecided.

A poll conducted by the Israeli daily, Ma’ariv, several days later showed an even greater level of opposition to the Iran nuclear agreement –– 78% of Israelis regard it as posing a threat to Israel, as opposed to a mere 15% who did not regard it as such, with 7% undecided. The Ma’ariv poll also showed that 71% of Israelis believe the agreement will bring Iran closer to obtaining nuclear weapons, as opposed to a mere 12% who believed it would not, while 17% were undecided. Israelis also supported military action by Israel against Iran if deemed necessary to stopping Tehran developing nuclear weapons by 47% to 35%, with the remaining 18% of Israelis undecided (Judy Maltz, ‘Polls Show Israelis Strongly Oppose Iran Nuclear Deal,’ Ha’aretz, August 12, 2015).

78% of Israelis regard it as posing a threat to Israel, as opposed to a mere 15% who did not regard it as such, with 7% undecided.

78% of Israelis regard it as posing a threat to Israel, as opposed to a mere 15% who did not regard it as such, with 7% undecided

ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said “We see here clearly that Israelis are opposed by a decisive margin to President Obama’s Iran nuclear deal.

Here in the U.S., Americans have also been polled by Quinnipiac University opposing this deal by a margin of 2 to 1 (57% to 28%). Indeed, another new Quinnipiac University poll last week of New York City voters shows that New York Hispanics oppose this deal by a wide 45% to 27% margin, while New York Catholics oppose the deal by an even larger 58% to 26%.

“As happened here in the United States, the more Israelis discover the contours of this deal, the less they like it and the rise in opposition to this agreement is clear from the results recorded in these two polls.”

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