ZOA Urges President-Elect Trump to Condemn Alt-Right Leader for “Hail Trump” Chant and Other Anti-Semitism at Alt-Right Conference
News Press Release
October 23, 2016

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has strongly denounced the revolting Jew-hatred displayed at an alt-right conference last Saturday in Washington, D.C., and called on President-Elect Donald Trump to publicly and specifically condemn it.  At the conference, Richard Spencer, the leader of the alt-right movement, engaged in Nazi-like chants that included “Hail Trump” and, in a reference to Jews, stated, “One wonders if these people are people at all, or instead soulless golem” (meaning people without a soul).  Audience members cheered, applauded and gave the Nazi salute.

While President-Elect Trump’s transition team issued a general response to the conduct, stating that the President-Elect has ‘continued to denounce racism,’ what happened demands far more from the future leader of our country. 

ZOA National President Morton A. Klein, a child of Holocaust survivors, condemned Richard Spencer and the alt-right movement for promoting anti-Semitism and racism, stating:  “I am appalled and disgusted by Richard Spencer’s expression of Jew-hatred and the anti-Semitic conduct of his supporters at the alt-right conference last Saturday.  While President-Elect Trump’s transition team issued a general response to the conduct, stating that the President-Elect has ‘continued to denounce racism,’ what happened demands far more from the future leader of our country.  President-Elect Trump himself must speak out against this outrage, and he must specifically and publicly condemn Richard Spencer in the harshest terms possible, the sentiments that Mr. Spencer expressed last Saturday, and the deplorable conduct of his supporters.  President-Elect Trump must make it crystal clear to these racists and to every American that we will not stand for anti-Semitism or any other form of bigotry.”

Center for Law & Justice
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