New Polls Show Overwhelming Opposition to Palestinian Arab State and Concessions
News Press Release
April 3, 2017

Zionist Organization of America President Morton A. Klein released the following statement:

Two recent polls of the Israeli public by leading Israeli pollsters show that Israelis overwhelmingly oppose concessions, and the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state. 

10 to 1 Oppose a Palestinian Arab State and Favor Israel Sovereignty in 2017 Maagar Mochot Poll:   A poll by the Maagar Mochot Interdisciplinary Research Institute (directed by Professior Yitzhak Katz), taken on January 10-15, 2017, shows that 75% of Israelis support Israeli sovereignty in Judea/Samaria and oppose a Palestinian Arab state, while only 7% support a Palestinian State.

Strong Israeli Opposition to Concessions in JCPA March 2017 Poll:

Standing with Israel today means not trying to impose or push the dangerous outcome of establishing a Palestinian Arab terrorist state.

A poll by Israeli pollster Mina Tzemach for the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs conducted on March 20-21, 2017, regarding potential concessions, showed, among other things, that:

  • 57% oppose withdrawal from Judea/Samaria even only outside the large settlement blocs, while 37% agree. 76% want Israel to have full security control of the West Bank.

The JCPA poll also cited additional dangers of a potential Palestinian state: namely, that Palestinian Arabs are likely to dig attack tunnels from Judea/Samaria.  The poll found that:

  • “If there is not Israeli security control, 85% say there is a concern that the Palestinians will dig attack tunnels, compared to 7% who say there is no such danger.”

Preliminary Findings of a Survey of Israeli Jewish Attitudes on a Future Peace Agreement with the Palestinians,” JCPA, Mar. 28, 2017,

Dim Chances of a Real Peace Agreement with the Palestinian Leadership:

The 2017 Maagar Mochot poll cited above also shows that Israelis believe that the chances of a peace agreement with the Palestinian leadership are dim.  59% stated that a peace agreement would not vest at all due to the consistent refusal of Palestinians to end the conflict.  22%  stated that a peace agreement would collapse due to a change of rule or Hamas takeover.   Only 11% stated that a peace agreement would be sustainable.  8% did not know. 

See (“Poll: Hamas will win the Palestinian Elections,” Israel Nat’l News, Aug. 28, 2016.)  

ZOA President’s Comments:   ZOA President Morton Klein noted: “The ZOA has long pointed out that a Palestinian Arab state would be a Hamas-Fatah-ISIS-Iranian regime terrorist state that endangers Israel’s heartland. The above polls again demonstrate the overwhelming Israeli opposition to the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state, and the dangers of creating such a state.  The rational conclusion from these polls is that “standing with Israel” today means listening to the voices of the Israeli people who will have to live with the results of any negotiations or deal.  Standing with Israel today means not trying to impose or push the dangerous outcome of establishing a Palestinian Arab terrorist state.”

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