ZOA Praises CNN’s Tapper For Criticizing UN and Countries Condemning US For Recognizing Jerusalem
News Press Release
December 26, 2017

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has praised CNN’s Jake Tapper for his integrity for criticizing UN and highlighting the shocking human rights records of many countries that voted in the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) to condemn the US for recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

Mr. Tapper, in describing some of the countries that had voted to condemn Israel, noted that many of them were despotic and murderous regimes lacking any credibility or respect when it comes to matters of human rights.

Mr. Tapper noted that one of those who had ardently condemned the US for the move on Jerusalem was the Maduro regime in Venezuela, which was, he said, a:

“Humanitarian disaster, with violence in the streets, an economy in complete collapse, citizens malnourished, dying children being turned away from hospitals, starving families joining street gangs to scrounge for food. On what moral platform does the government of Venezuela stand today? Not to be outdone, of course, the US also got an earful today from Syria. We’re in the seventh year of the brutal Syrian civil war that has killed half a million people and displaced millions. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has used chemical weapons against his own citizens, including children.”

Mr. Tapper, in this segment demonstrated rare moral clarity and professionalism in informing his audience of the nature and character of the countries condemning Israel within the UN and the corrosive effect this majority of squalid and unrepresentative dictatorships have upon the world body.

Mr. Tapper also observed that another of those condemning the US for this alleged “threat to international peace and security” was Yemen, one of the countries that drafted the resolution condemning America. Mr. Tapper noted that Yemen is a country with an atrocious record on human rights and which was also mired in a brutal civil war, while other nations that are scarcely paragons of human rights like China and Myanmar were also condemning and lecturing the US on exercising its sovereign right to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, which if course it actually is.

Mr. Tapper also rightly pointed out the anti-Israel obsession that grips the UN organization, informing his audience that, of the 97 resolutions passed by the UN General Assembly singling out a particular country in the past year, 83 –– which is to say, 86% of the total number of resolutions –– were condemnatory of Israel (‘Critics with questionable records condemn US,’ CNN video, December 22, 2017)

ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, “We applaud Mr. Tapper’s moral clarity snd integrity and unusual but absolutely correct sense of puzzlement and outrage at the grotesque inhumanity of many of the regimes that dare to condemn and lecture the US in the UN for recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of the state of Israel.

“Despite the hue and cry we are witnessing today over the US decision on Jerusalem, in time, other democratic and civilized countries will eventually move their embassies to Jerusalem, where they belong.

“Mr. Tapper, in this segment, demonstrated rare moral clarity and professionalism in informing his audience of the nature and character of the countries condemning Israel within the UN and the corrosive effect this majority of squalid and unrepresentative dictatorships have upon the world body. He deserves recognition and praise for his statement- tragically rare in the world of journalism.”

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