ZOA Praises Trump Ending Catastrophic Iran Nuke Deal
News Press Release
May 8, 2018

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has strongly praised President Donald Trump for fulfilling his campaign promise to abrogate the dangerous and catastrophic Iran nuclear deal, negotiated by Barack Hussein Obama, and reinstating US nuclear-related sanctions on Tehran. The restored sanctions will target countries, businesses and individuals that deal with Iran’s financial system.

Speaking from the Diplomatic Reception Room at the White House, President Trump said:

“In 2015, the previous administration entered into a deal regarding Iran’s nuclear program, the deal was called the JCPOA [Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action] … at the point when the United States had maximum leverage, this disastrous deal gave this regime, and it’s a regime of great terror, many billions of dollars, some of it in actual cash, a great embarrassment to me as a citizen, and to all citizens of the United States. A constructive deal could have easily been struck at the time. But it wasn’t. At the heart of the Iran deal is a fiction, that Iran only desired a peaceful nuclear energy program. Today we have definitive proof that this Iranian promise was a lie. Last week Israel published intelligence documents, long concealed by Iran, conclusively showing the Iranians’ regime and its history of pursuing nuclear weapons. The fact is, this was a horrible one-sided deal that should have never, ever been made … The agreement was so poorly negotiated that even if Iran fully complies, the regime can still be on the verge of a nuclear breakout in just a short period of time. The deal’s sunset provisions are totally unacceptable. If I allow this deal to stand, there would soon be a nuclear arms race in the Middle East. Everyone would want their weapons ready by the time Iran had theirs. Making matters worse, the deal’s inspection provisions lack adequate mechanisms to prevent, detect, and punish cheating … Not only does the deal fail to halt Iran’s nuclear ambitions, but it also fails to address the regime’s development of ballistic missiles that could deliver nuclear warheads. Finally, the deal does nothing to constrain Iran’s destabilizing activities including its support for terrorism … The Iran deal is defective at its core. If we do nothing, we know exactly what will happen. In just a short period of time, the world’s leading state sponsor of terror will be on the cusp of acquiring the world’s most dangerous weapons. Therefore, I am announcing today that the United States will withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal … We will be instituting at the highest level of economic sanction, any country that helps Iran in its quest for nuclear weapons could also be strongly sanctioned by the United States.”

At the heart of the Iran deal is a fiction, that Iran only desired a peaceful nuclear energy program. Today we have definitive proof that this Iranian promise was a lie.

ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, “The ZOA is thrilled President Trump kept yet another campaign promise in ending the catastrophic Iran deal which I painfully believe President Obama instituted to strengthen the Islamic Republic of Iran’s ability to harm Israel. 

“This deal essentially guaranteed Iran a pathway to nuclear weapons, to a nuclear weapons break-out capacity in about a decade. As such, it was not a viable national security deal, despite what its apologists have been saying about its vaunted ability to contain Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

“President Trump had said that he was willing to revise the deal to eliminate the sunset clauses that would have lifted all restrictions placed on Iran by the deal within about 7 to 12 years, but this was never something the Iranian regime would have been prepared to do. Iran would also never have agreed to inspections of any site it deemed military or to in any way end its research and development of ballistic missiles that would one day carry nuclear warheads. In such circumstances, abrogating this deeply flawed and dangerous deal was the correct to thing to do.

“We urge President Trump to make clear that if Iran doesn’t end its nuclear weapons program, allow inspections of all sites that might be suspected of involvement in nuclear weapons-related activities, and stop developing intercontinental ballistic missiles, he will be compelled to consider US military action and quite possibly support Israeli military action as well. 

“ZOA also praised new US Ambassador to Germany, Ric Grenell, for urging German companies to stop doing business with the Islamic Republic of Iran, the worlds largest funder of Islamic Terrorism. 

“As a result of abrogating this agreement and restoring nuclear sanctions on Iran, President Trump has just made the world a safer place for all of us.”

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