ZOA to CNN & Temple University: Fire Bigot Jew-Hater Marc Lamont Hill
News Press Release
October 24, 2018

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein released the following statement:

It’s time for CNN and Temple University to fire Marc Lamont Hill, where Hill is a contributor and professor respectively. Hill has continued to promote Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan even after Farrakhan equated Jews to “termites” on Facebook last week, and despite Farrakhan’s unrepentant, lengthy, continuing history of making virulent anti-Semitic speeches, sermons and statements.  

Marc Lamont Hill posted a glowing Instagram lauding Farrakhan: “Been blessed to spend the last day with Minister Louis Farrakhan.  An amazing time of learning, listening, laughing, and even head nodding to music.  God is Great.”  And last week, Hill tried to defend his “amazing, blessed day” learning and laughing with Farrakhan, by tweeting: “Although I disagree with the Minister on those [LGBT/Jewish] important issues, I will not allow that to be an excuse for allowing dishonest media or poorly intentioned observers to create unnecessary division. I will not be told who to speak to, sit with, or engage.  (@marclamonthill 10:20 AM – 20 Oct 2018.)

Can you imagine the reaction if someone insisted on “amazing” “learning, listening, and laughing” etc. with David Duke?   Such an individual would immediately be fired from every respectable media station and university in the country.  Shouldn’t someone who praises and insists upon learning from, listening to, and laughing together with hate-mongering Louis Farrakhan be treated similarly?  

Hill: “Been blessed to spend a day with Farrakhan, amazing time of learning” … promotes Jew-killer Rasmea Odeh… “Israel’s right to exist is Israeli propaganda… it’s all stolen land.”

Moreover, Mark Lamont Hill has issued his own lengthy string of hateful blood libels against the Jewish people; promotes anti-Israel (anti-Semitic) BDS (boycotts, divestment and sanctions) and additional “pressures” (anti-Israel actions); publicly promotes “standing with” convicted Palestinian-Arab terrorist Rasmea Odeh (the murderer of two Jewish college students); defames Israel during his speeches for the Temple University chapter of the Hamas-related hate group “Students for Justice in Palestine” (SJP) and the major BDS umbrella group in the U.S.; and promotes SJP events on his twitter account.  Thus, it seems likely that Hill substantially agrees with Farrakhan on Jewish issues.    

Hill posted these hateful tweets in just the past month: 

  • On October 22, 2018, Hill retweeted a poster promoting a Temple SJP event.
  • On October 16, 2018, Hill retweeted the falsehood that Israelis “occupy” Palestinians in Jerusalem.
  • On October 5, 2018, Hill retweeted a post from Yousef Munayer, the Executive Director of the main anti-Israel BDS group in the U.S., USCPR (the so-called US Campaign for Palestinian Rights).  Munayyer’s tweets – including the one retweeted by Marc Lamont Hill – were apparently so inappropriate that Twitter suspended his account.
  • On October 3, 2018, in a retweet of BDS-promoter Noura Erakat, Hill promoted a defamatory youtube video, saying “It’s worth every minute” to spend 20 minutes watching it.  Erakat’s accompanying tweet reveals that the video promoted by Erakat and Marc Lamont Hill glorifies convicted Palestinian-Arab terrorist Ahed Tamimi, and accuses Israel of various blood libels, including “systematic abuse of #Palestinian children” and “settler encroachment.”  
  • On September 28, 2018, Hill tweeted and posted on Instagram that he was “Honored to have spoken at the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights Conference.”  (That’s a major conference for demonizing Israel and promoting anti-Israel boycotts and economic destruction.)  Hill’s Instagram also praised infamous anti-Israel activist Rachel Corrie.  
  • On September 24, 2018, Hill approvingly retweeted  notorious Israel-hater Steven Salaita that “Referring to the two-state solution as ‘the international consensus’ facilitates colonial logic.  It’s not the consensus of people struggling for justice, but of ruling class institutions.”  (Salaita and Hill are thus saying that it would be “unjust” and “colonialist” for Israel to continue to exist – even if a Palestinian-Arab state were carved into Israeli territory.)  Salaita is infamous for, among other horrors, celebrating on twitter the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli boys —and wishing the same fate on all of their kin; saying that antisemitism is “something honorable since 1948.”; and falsely accusing Israel “colonisation, land theft, and child murder.”

Going back slightly farther:

  • On May 18, 2018, Hill wrote a long op-ed, entitled “Myths About The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict” (Huffpost), defaming Israel and calling basic truths about Israel and the Palestinian-Arabs “myths.”  Incredibly, Hill even said that the statement “Israel has the right to exist” was “Israeli propaganda.”  Hill also claimed that the statement: “Palestinians keep turning down fair deals” is a “myth” because it “wrongly presumes that any deal that includes the sharing of stolen land with the victims of said theft could be fair.”  Thus, according to Lamont, the eternal homeland of the Jewish people is all “stolen land.”  And according to Lamont, any deal that leaves any of Israel in existence – even the proposals the Palestinian-Arabs turned down that would have given the Arabs almost all of Israel’s land – is “unfair” to the Arabs.  
  • An excellent Times of Israel article further deconstructing Hill’s defamatory op-ed concluded: “Denying Israel’s right to exist, demonizing/dehumanizing its people, holding it to a standard expected of no other nation, and hurling libel after libel after libel at it (as you’ve [Marc Lamont have] done throughout your entire article, if not your entire career) is not “critique”.  It is antisemitism, nothing more.”  (“Marc Lamont Hill’s ‘7 Myths’ Are Not Myths at All,” by Dani Ishai Behan, Times of Israel, May 23, 2018.)  “

  • On October 17, 2017, Hill tweeted “I think BDS is a good first step, but so much more is needed.  We need international pressure.”
  • Incredibly, on May 4, 2017, Hill tweeted, “Trump’s position on Israel/Palestine is repugnant. His call for Palestine to ‘reject hatred and terrorism’ is offensive & counterproductive.”  In subsequent tweets, Hill in essence suggested that it was presumptuous for Israel to “define” Palestinian-Arab terrorism as terrorism.  (See excellent discussion of Hill’s May 2017 and prior tweets at “Yes, Marc Lamont Hill Is an Antisemite,” by Petra Marquardt-Bigman, Algemeiner, May 17, 2017.)
  • In a Palestine Solidarity video filmed in Nazareth, Hill falsely accused Israel of stealing the land by greed, destroying the land by hate, and writing laws “in the blood of the innocent” (all classic anti-Semitic canards) and encouraged “struggle” against the “occupation,” saying, among other things: “From Ferguson to Palestine the struggle for freedom continues.”
  • On August 13, 2014, Hill absurdly tweetedI oppose the occupation of Gaza” – while ignoring the fact that Hamas was ruling Gaza for close to a decade at that time.  
  • And on October 13, 2015, Hill published an incendiary, defamatory op-ed entitled “Why Every Black Activist Should Stand With Rasmea Odeh.”  Odeh is a convicted terrorist who murdered two young innocent American Jewish students at Hebrew University, and then lied about her past to enter the U.S.  Odeh was also a key military operative of designated terrorist organization PLFP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine).  Yet, Hill encouraged readers to stand with Odeh, and falsely claimed that Odeh has an “impeccable reputation” and was a “Palestinian freedom fighter being railroaded for her commitment to justice”; and falsely and outrageously accused Israel of allegedly raping and torturing Odeh to obtain a false confession.  

And, as a quick reminder regarding the man whom Hill so enjoyed learning from: 

Louis Farrakhan broadcasted a sermon calling Judaism a “gutter religion”; referred to Jews as “members of the synagogue of Satan”; called the creation of the State of Israel as “an outlaw act”; described Hitler as “a great man”; blamed “Zionist Jews” and Israelis for the 9-11 attacks; stated in a 2015 speech that Jews “are the greatest controllers of Black minds”; and sermonized just this past May that “Satanic Jews have infected the whole world with poison and deceit” – to mention just a few.  (See Minister Louis Farrakhan – In His Own Words,” Jewish Virtual Library.)   In 1984, the U.S. Senate unanimously (95-0) passed a resolution condemning Farrakhan’s antisemitic statements.  A pending Congressional resolution (H.Res. 772) condemns Farrakhan for his February 28, 2018 convention speech, which labeled Jews as “that Satanic Jew,” and threatened: “White folks are going down.  And Satan is going down . . . your time is up.

It is completely unbefitting for CNN and Temple University to continue to employ Marc Lamont Hill, in light of Hill’s numerous vile anti-Israel, anti-Semitic statements and praise for Farrakhan. He is a major bigot and hater who should be condemned and shunned. As a Temple University alumnus from where I received two degrees, I am especially shocked, embarrassed and ashamed that Mr. Lamont Hill teaches at my alma mater and has a named Chair no less. His working at Temple can only hurt fundraising and support for the University. And it is immoral as well. There isn’t a safe space large enough to get away from Lamont Hill. Fire Marc Lamont Hill!!

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