ZOA Appalled: Sen. Warren Proclaims “Everything (Against Israel) Is On the Table” If Israel Doesn’t Create a Palestinian State
News Press Release
October 24, 2019

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has condemned Democratic presidential candidate, Senator Elizabeth Warren (D–MA), for declaring that “everything is on the table” to punish and pressure Israel if it doesn’t establish a Palestinian State and stop building homes in Judea Samaria and eastern Jerusalem. 

Senator Warren, one of the leading Democratic presidential candidates according to recent polls, stated in response to a question at a campaign event in Iowa about her positions on aid to Israel and the construction of Jewish communities that, “It is the official policy of the United States of America to support a two-state solution, and if Israel is moving in the opposite direction, then everything is on the table …Right now, [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu says he is going to take Israel in a direction of increasing settlements, that does not move us in the direction of a two-state solution” (‘Elizabeth Warren: ‘Everything is on the table’ to get Israel to support two-state solution,’ Jewish Telegraphic Agency, October 22, 2019).

“Anyone who believes that Israel should be economically penalized because it supports the right of Jews to live in the biblical heartland of Judea/Samaria is not only saying that these territories should be judenrein, but revealing that they do not regard Israel as an ally.” 

The ZOA notes that it is not the official policy of the Trump Administration to support a dangerous Palestinian State which would surely be a Hamas/Iran terror State. Moreover, the Jewish communities of Judea and Samaria only comprise 2% of those areas. Additionally it is racist and anti-Semitic to state that Jews can’t live in Judea Samaria white Arabs live can live in Israel proper. 

Israel currently receives $3.8 billion annually in US military assistance. It no longer receives economic assistance and has not done so for years. Almost all of the military aid package is spent in purchasing US military systems and weaponry.

ZOA National President Morton A. Klein and Chairman Mark Levenson, Esq. said, “With this statement, Senator Warren has revealed her own hostility to Israel. 

“Anyone who believes that Israel should be economically penalized because it supports the right of Jews to live in the biblical heartland of Judea/Samaria is not only saying that these territories should be judenrein, but revealing that they do not regard Israel as an ally. And anyone who demands that Israel establish a Palestinian terror State ala Gaza is being blind to the reality of the Arab Islamic war against the Jewish State. 

“Allies are not issued diktats. Disagreement among allies are usually handled delicately and privately, not with grandstanding threats about withdrawing aid. 

“It is up to Israel, as with any other US ally, to determine for itself which policies it supports without attracting hostile statements threatening penalties. That Senator Warren thinks otherwise is a measure of her lack of support for Israel –– all the more so when she does not criticize the Palestinian Authority (PA) for refusing negotiations for nearly a decade, refusing to dismantle terrorist groups, refusing to end the incitement to hatred and murder that suffuses the PA-controlled media, mosques, schools and youth camps and refusing to stop paying Arabs to murder Jews. 

“The ZOA urges Senator Warren to retract her ugly and vicious anti-Israel statement against America’s best and most reliable ally.”

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