Abbas’ Fatah/P.A. New Logo Features All Of Israel Only As ‘Palestine’
News Press Release
January 10, 2013

Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah-controlled Palestinian Authority (PA) has published a picture of the official logo chosen by Fatah, the party co-founded by arch-terrorist Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas, for celebrations marking the movement’s 48th anniversary. The logo features various symbols, including a map of what should be Israel labelled only as ‘Palestine,’ the number 48, the Palestinian flag, and the slogan for the 48th anniversary, ‘The state and the victory.’ The ZOA is strongly urging President Barack Obama, the European Union and the United Nations to condemn this outrage which reiterates the clear fact that Abbas and the Fatah/PA have no interest in peace with Israel, only its destruction.

The new Fatah logo is consistent with official PA maps used in official documents, government offices and schools that do not acknowledge Israel’s existence and mark all of Israel as ‘Palestine.’ Other symbols central to Fatah ideology also appear in the logo, including a rifle and a key symbolizing the Palestinian claim of ownership to houses within Israel (‘New Fatah logo erases Israel,’ PMW bulletin, December 12, 2012).

ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, “This new Fatah logo graphically depicts the ugly truth about this unreconstructed terrorist organization whose Constitution to this day calls for the destruction of Israel (Article 13) and the use of terrorism as an essential element in the struggle to achieve this aim (Article 19). As with the quotes reproduced below (and to which dozens more could be added), it belies the fiction that Mahmoud Abbas is a ‘moderate’ who seeks peace with Israel, and who wishes to end Palestinian terrorism against Israeli Jews. It also makes clear that the principles of Yasser Arafat are respected and promoted. 

“The new Fatah logo is not an aberration. The Palestinian Authority continues to promote the incitement of hatred in Palestinian mosques, schools and media.

“The ZOA renews it call upon the Obama Administration to stop wasting hundreds of millions of dollars on the unreformed terrorist entity that is Fatah, to stop making excuses for Abbas, and to stop pressuring Israel to make dangerous concessions on the altar of appeasement.

“President Obama, the European Union and the United Nations must demand that Mahmoud Abbas immediately and publicly halt the distribution of this hateful poster and apologize for its release. If he refuses, it is time to conclude, once and for all, that Abbas is no more moderate than Yasser Arafat, his predecessor and former partner.”

Statements by Mahmoud Abbas and other senior Fatah figures rejecting Israel as Jewish state, opposing its existence and supporting terrorism:

  • Abbas:  “I had the honor of firing the first shot in 1965 and of being the one who taught resistance to many in the region and around the world; what it’s like; when it is effective and when it isn’t effective; its uses, and what serious, authentic and influential resistance is … We [Fatah] had the honor of leading the resistance and we taught resistance to everyone, including Hizbullah, who trained in our military camps” (‘Abbas: Armed ‘resistance’ not ruled out,’ Jerusalem Post, February 28, 2008).
  • Abbas: “The Palestinians do not accept the formula that the state of Israel is a Jewish state.” (David Bedein, ‘Olmert reports to Israel Cabinet Meeting

,’ Bulletin [Philadelphia], December 3, 2007).

Abu Ahmed, Fatah commander: ‘“The base of our Fatah movement keeps dreaming of Tel Aviv, Haifa, Jaffa and Acco. …There is no change in our official position. Fatah as a movement never recognized Israel” (David Bedein, ‘The American Sanitizing of a Terrorist Group,’ Israel National News, October 5, 2006).

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