ZOA: New Poll – Americans Favor Trump Terms of Barring Certain Migrants by 3 to 1
News Press Release
February 27, 2017

Zionist Organization of America President Morton A, Klein released the following statement:

Polling data continues to support the wisdom of barring immigration into the United States of those who subscribe to hateful ideologies inimical to Americans’ safety.  A Rasmussen survey of 1,000 American adults on February 20-21, 2017, found that 61% of Americans favor – versus only 19% oppose. (See Most Favor Trump’s Litmus Test for Potential Immigrants,”  Rasmussen Reports.)

Likewise, this past September, voters strongly opposed then-President Obama’s plan to increase Middle Eastern and African refugees from 85,000 in 2016 to 110,000 in 2017; and instead favored banning altogether or drastically reducing the numbers of such refugees coming into the United States.  The Rasmussen survey of 1,000 likely U.S. voters on September 18-19, 2016 found that 68% of likely American voters supported complete refugee bans or refugee reductions – while only 24% favored Obama’s 85,000 per year status quo or increases from there.  (See Voters Reject Obama’s New Middle East Refugee Plan,” Rasmussen Reports.)

The same survey (September 18-19, 2016) also found that American voters strongly agree (62% agree to 28% disagree) that increasing the number of Middle Eastern and African refugees in 2017 “poses an increased national security risk to the United States.” (Id.)

ZOA President Morton Klein stated:

“These polls once again demonstrate that the American public wants refugee limits on migrants from dangerous terrorist countries and improved vetting policies that, first and foremost, keep Americans safe.  Americans have suffered more than enough terror already.  Dozens of attacks have been carried out or attempted here in the name of ISIS and similar violent ideologies, such as the San Bernardino massacre by poorly vetted ISIS immigrant Tashfeen Malik and her husband, and the Somali immigrant who stabbed eight shoppers at a Minnesota mall in September on behalf of ISIS.  The only responsible course is to adopt vetting and refugee policies that carefully examine potential immigrants’ ideologies and prioritize the American people’s security.”  

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