Center for Jewish History Cancels Two Anti-Israel Programs after Protest
News Press Release
October 10, 2017

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein released the following statement:

The ZOA is pleased that the Center for Jewish History (CJH) announced that it is cancelling two of CJH’s scheduled extreme anti-Israel programs, co-sponsored with the disgraceful Israel boycott promoter “Jewish Voice for Peace” (JVP), and featuring JVP leaders.  Even the leftwing Anti-Defamation League (ADL) named JVP as one of the “Top 10 anti-Israel groups; the worst of the worst.”  The CJH/JVP canceled a scheduled program condemning the Balfour Declaration that was comprised of JVP coordinator Robert Herbst and co-founder of the Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center, Jonathan Kuttab.  The Sabeel Center seeks to replace all of Israel with a Palestinian Arab state, and specializes in working to turn Christians against Jews and Israel.  Like JVP, Sabeel is also listed among ADL’s “Top 10 anti-Israel groups; the worst of the worst.”  

CJH’s cancellation announcement is a small victory, likely resulting from efforts by bi-partisan pro-Israel activists, including the ZOA; JCC-Watch founder and activist Richard Allen (Richard is also a ZOA Manhattan board member); liberal Democratic political consultant Hank Sheinkopf; public relations executive Ronn Torossian; international political consultant George Birnbaum; Shillman Journalism fellow Daniel Greenfield; and many others. 

But we have much more work to do here!!  CJH’s new extremist leftwing hostile-to-Israel CEO David N. Myers still remains at the helm at the Center for Jewish History.  ZOA recently wrote a detailed report on Myers’ anti-Israel propagandizing – including Myer’s use of false and outright fictional accounts to libel Israeli Jews and Israel while ignoring or disparaging truthful pro-Israel history as “myths”; Myers’ extensive involvements with the worst hostile-to-Israel organizations; and Myers’ damage to Jewish and pro-Israel students on college campuses.  (See ZOA: Hostile-to-Israel Propagandist David Myers Should Not Lead Center for Jewish History,” Sept. 18, 2017.) 

Moreover, CJH’s still-scheduled events promote a far-left agenda, and do not include even a single pro-Israel program, or a single program about the rampant radical Islamist attacks on Jews.  Instead, CJH’s current schedule includes various individuals and topics on the left, including programming featuring neo-Marxist ideology; Trump-haters; individuals who continue to falsely malign Zionist and fighter against anti-Semitism Steve Bannon; and an event with the president of the leftwing paper, the Forward.

The CJH and its program on German Jews doesn’t even mention the famous German Jewish Zionist, Albert Einstein. 

Albert Einstein once wrote: “It is . . . a bitter paradox to find that a State [Israel] which was destined to be a shelter for a martyred people is itself threatened by grave dangers to its own security. The universal conscience cannot be indifferent to such peril.”  

Where is the conscience of the CJH to the dangers Israel faces today?

ZOA thus urges all our friends to join the protest against CJH’s CEO David N. Myers, next evening Wednesday October 18th, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., in front of CJH, at 15 West 16th Street, Manhattan.

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