Jewish Voice – ZOA’s Klein: Biden Appts. K.Jean-Pierre & R.Dodin Are Anti-Israel Radicals & Sees ‘Third Obama Israelophobic Term’
News Op-Ed ZOA in the news
December 2, 2020

The president of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), the nation’s oldest pro-Israel organization, spoke with Breitbart News and expressed his outrage at Joe Biden’s latest pick, Karine Jean-Pierre, who was appointed White House principal deputy press secretary on Sunday evening and has been described as an anti-Israel radical who praised Democrats for shunning a pro-Israel conference last year.

In his statement, ZOA President Morton A. Klein describes his horror at the appointment as well as the concerns Americans should have as a result:

As a child of Holocaust survivors and as an American Jew, I am both appalled and frightened that Biden has chosen as his principal deputy press secretary, Ms. Jean-Pierre, who has shown essentially antisemitic hostility toward Israel and is willing to lie about and vilify Israel and Jews to promote her ugly Israelophobic agenda.

In addition to having been a spokesperson for the anti-Zionist George Soros’ MoveOn.Org, she has glibly lied that Israel commits war crimes against Gaza Arabs; condemns those who speak out against Jew-hating/Israel-haters Reps. Omar and Tlaib; and proudly promoted the “cancel culture” by bragging she convinced Democratic presidential candidates to not attend the pro-Israel AIPAC conference, all while praising the catastrophic Iran Deal.

Americans should be deeply concerned that this outrageous, incomprehensible anti-Israel, pro-terrorist and pro-Iran appointment indicates the dangerous direction the Biden administration is going to take against America’s greatest ally Israel and U.S.-Israel relations.

This action, along with other actions such as appointing Tony Blinken — who spoke at the anti-Israel J Street conference and called the anti-Zionist group ‘a constructive force,’ opposed designating Iran’s terrorist Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terror group, and embraced Jew-hater Linda Sarsour — as Secretary of State; appointing Avril Haines — who signed an anti-Israel J Street letter — as National Intelligence Director; and appointing Reema Dodin — who has justified Palestinian suicide bombings and blamed 9/11 on U.S. support for Israel — as Deputy Director of Legislative Affairs, all strongly suggest that we will be dealing with a virtual third Obama term, hostile to Israel and accommodating to terrorists like the Islamist Iran Regime.

Jean-Pierre served as national spokesperson and senior adviser for the George Soros-funded BDS-supporting left-wing group and lauded 2020 presidential candidates — including Kamala Harris — who boycotted the AIPAC (American-Israel Public Affairs Committee) annual bipartisan pro-Israel gathering the previous year.

Writing in Newsweek, Jean-Pierre maintained the Democratic candidates “made the right call,” and that AIPAC’s policies and values “are not progressive.”

She also described the pro-Israel organization as “severely racist” and “Islamophobic” while repeating antisemitic blood libels against the Jewish State, including accusations of Israel committing war crimes in its defense against terror.

In August, the ZOA published a press release urging Sen. Kamala Harris to fire Jean-Pierre, Harris’ then new chief of staff.

While leading up to elections the Biden-Harris ticket was promoted as a vote for those who support Israel and the U.S.’s historic and strategic alliance with the Jewish State, recent Biden appointments have cast doubt on such presumptions.

Follow Joshua Klein on Twitter @JoshuaKlein.

View the article in the Jewish Voice.

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