Category Action Alerts

TO GW STUDENTS AND ALUMS: JOIN THE ZOA’S FIGHT AGAINST ANTISEMITISM AT GW! URGE GW’S PRESIDENT TO TAKE FORCEFUL STEPS TO STOP BIGOTRY AGAINST JEWS AND THE JEWISH STATE OF ISRAEL!   If you’re a student or an alum of The George Washington University, then you should be especially concerned about recent horrific antisemitic incidents […]

ZOA to SUNY Brockport: Don’t Host Convicted Cop Killer Whose Group Bashes Israel and Jews

(Scroll down for the ZOA Action Alert) March 29, 2022 VIA EMAIL President Heidi MacPherson SUNY Brockport 350 New Campus Drive Brockport, NY 14420 Dear President MacPherson: We were horrified to learn that despite huge and justified public outcry, SUNY Brockport is nevertheless going to feature Jalil Muntaqim (formerly known as Anthony Bottom) as the […]

ZOA to USC: Expel Student Who’s Threatened to Kill “Every Mother F**king Zionist”

December 23, 2021 VIA EMAIL Members of the USC Board of Trustees Carol L. Folt, President Charles F. Zukoski, Provost and Senior Vice President      for Academic Affairs University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA 90089-0012   Dear Distinguished Members of the USC Board of Trustees, President Folt and Provost Zukoski:       […]

Help Israel and the Jewish People by Answering This Call – Make a Submission to Counter Anti-Israel “Commission of Inquiry”

The ZOA strongly supports the initiative calling for submissions to the UN’s newly created diabolical “Commission of Inquiry.” As Professor Bayefsky has alerted us, the United Nations has created this rigged “Inquiry” to devastate Israel by labeling it a racist enterprise, criminalizing its self-defense and ravishing its economy through BDS. The Chair of this three-person […]

ACTION ALERT: Protest UN Palestinian Arab Refugee Agency’s Antisemitic, Pro-Terror School Curriculum

ZOA Action Alert: Protest UN Palestinian Arab Refugee Agency’s Antisemitic, Pro-Terror School Curriculum The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) is devoted exclusively to Palestinian Arab refugees. Unlike the UN High Commissioner for Refugees – the UN body that deals with every other refugee group around the world – UNRWA’s goal, since its creation […]

Urge Fordham U. to Stand by Its Correct Decision to Reject Antisemitic/Anti-Israel SJP Club

Urge Fordham U. to Stand by Its Correct Decision to Reject Antisemitic/Anti-Israel SJP Club!   In December 2020, Fordham University prevailed in a legal battle initiated by student supporters of the antisemitic, Israel-hating campus group that calls itself “Students for Justice in Palestine” (SJP). The New York Supreme Court’s Appellate Division, First Department, upheld Fordham’s […]

ZOA Action Alert: Sign and Share Petition – Urge CA Gov. Newsom to Veto Ethnic Studies Bill

  SIGN & SHARE PETITION –   Urge CA Gov. Newsom to Veto Ethnic Studies Bill   Earlier this month, the California legislature passed a bill – AB 101 – that would require all public school students to take a semester of ethnic studies in order to graduate high school.  The bill is now in […]

Action Alert: ZOA Opposes Re-Opening a U.S. “Palestinian Arab” Consulate in Jerusalem

Consulate Would Be an Attack on Israeli Sovereignty, Unity of Jerusalem, and Rewarding a Terrorist Dictatorship The Biden administration is reportedly pressuring the Israeli government to allow the U.S. to re-open a U.S. “Palestinian Arab” Consulate in Jerusalem that would liaise with the Palestinian Authority and service Palestinian Arabs. (Permission of the host country is required to open a […]

ZOA Action Alert: Tell PayPal: End Partnership with ADL Aimed at Defunding Some Pro-Israel Groups, Masquerading as “Fighting Extremism”

On July 26, 2021, PayPal and ADL announced a partnership to “leverage financial platforms” to purportedly “fight extremism.” The ADL-PayPal partnership is being led by ADL’s “Center on Extremism.” The problem: The ADL “Center on Extremism” report last month wrongly targets some strong pro-Israel groups. ADL is falsely calling these pro-Israel groups “hate groups” and “extremists.” ADL’s “Center on […]