Category News
Diplomatic Kristallnacht – Obama & World Leaders Ignore Iran Threat To Destroy Israel In 25 Years

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is appalled that President Barack Obama and world leaders have failed to condemn Iranian leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s recent tweet that Israel will cease to exist within the next 25 years. The ZOA regards the utter silence of President Obama and world leaders as a diplomatic Kristallnacht. We seem […]

ZOA Criticizes Ann Coulter’s Anti-Semitic “F–ing Jews” Tweet

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has criticized conservative pundit Ann Coulter for offensively anti-Semitic tweets during last night’s Republican presidential candidates debate. In the course of the debate, Coulter grew antagonistic towards GOP candidates speaking of the need to strengthen ties with Israel and assist her in potentially defending herself against a nuclear armed […]

ZOA Criticizes Obama for Failure to Condemn Muslim Attacks on Jews at Temple Mount

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has criticized the Obama Administration for failing to condemn a Palestinian attack upon peaceful Jewish visitors on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount and instead engaging in false equivalence by equating the Palestinian assailants with the Israeli defenders and calling upon them both to “exercise restraint.”   On Sunday night, the eve […]

ZOA Condemns Senate Vote Blocking Debate/Vote on Iran Deal

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has condemned yesterday’s Senate vote, which failed to stop President Barack Obama’s catastrophic and frightening Iran nuclear deal, despite the fact that a majority of the Senate opposes it. Senate Democrats blocked a resolution of disapproval of the deal going to a final vote by a vote of 58-42. […]

ZOA Co-Sponsors Rally Against Iran Nuke Deal, Draws Over 5,000 In Washington DC

A major rally opposing President Obama’s disastrous Iran nuclear deal, co-sponsored by the Tea Party, the Center for Security Policy and the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) attracted over 5,000 people despite the extreme heat, and was addressed by Republican presidential candidates Senator Ted Cruz and Donald Trump, Center for Security Policy’s Frank J. Gaffney, former […]

ZOA Praises Democrats Cong. Lipinski (D-IL) and Cong. Frankel (D-FL) for Opposing Iran Deal

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) praises Democrat Congresspersons Daniel Lipinski (D-IL) and Lois Frankel (D-FL) for opposing the Iran deal – formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of America (JCPOA).   Both Congresspersons issued thoughtful statements that thoroughly described the deal’s severe dangers.    Congressman Lipinski accurately noted that the Iran deal fails to […]

ZOA Praises Democrat Senator Joe Manchin for Opposing Iran Deal

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) praises Democrat Senator Joe Manchin (WV) for announcing that he opposes the dangerous Iran deal – formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.   ZOA commends Senator Manchin for his careful analysis of the deal, attendance at every security briefing on the deal, and thoughtful, powerful statement regarding […]

ZOA Criticizes Sen. Booker for Attempt to Sanitize Bad Decision to Support Iran Deal

T he Zionist Organization of America today declined invitations to two meetings held by NJ Junior Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) to discuss his dangerous and frightening decision to support the JCPOA, commonly known as the “Iran nuclear deal.”  Mort Klein, ZOA’s national president, condemned the Senator’s “blatant and conspicuous attempt to sanitize his horrifying and […]

Iran Planned/Funded 9/11, Now U.S. Arms/Funds Iran Terrorists

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) and its thousands of members are deeply distressed that 38 Senators are now planning to vote for the catastrophic Iran deal.  This minority of the Senate would subvert the will of the majority of Congress and the two-thirds of the American people who are opposed to the dangerous Iran […]

ZOA Praises Democrat Sen. Ben Cardin for Opposing Disastrous Iran Deal

Throughout the process of evaluating the Iran nuclear agreement, I continuously returned to two fundamental questions: Is this deal more or less likely to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear weapons state? Would rejection increase or decrease the likelihood of the nightmare scenario of a nuclear-armed Iran? Despite the rhetoric coming from all sides, this is […]