Category News
Poll: Nearly 2/3 Of Israelis Believe American Jews Should Criticize Obama’s Policy Towards Israel

  A new poll has found that nearly two-thirds of Israelis – 65% – believe that American Jews should criticize President Obama’s policy towards Israel, as opposed to a mere 12% of Israelis who believe that American Jews should support Obama’s policy. The June 2010 B’nai B’rith B’nai B’rith World Center Annual Survey on Contemporary […]

Poll: 71% Of Israelis Dislike Obama, 47% Strongly

  A poll has shown, in the wake of the Gaza flotilla affair, that nearly three-quarters of Israelis – 71% – dislike President Barack Obama, with 47% registering a strong dislike of the U.S. president. The poll, conducted by Pechter Middle East polls, also found that 63% of Israelis were dissatisfied with the Obama Administration’s […]

ZOA Concerned By Israeli Appeasement – Easing Of Gaza Blockade

 Yale historian Kagan: Appeasement always fails          Although the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) understands the enormous international pressure placed on the Israeli government, we nonetheless voice our concern over an Israeli government decision to engage in appeasement by easing its legal blockade of Hamas-controlled Gaza. The ZOA sees such concessions to […]

Abbas’ Fatah: Hamas Need Not Stop Murdering Jews Or Recognize Israel

  Senior Fatah leader, Nabil Shaath – considered a “moderate” – speaking on behalf of Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah, which controls the Palestinian Authority (PA) last week said that Hamas, the genocide-seeking terrorist group that has controlled Gaza since violently seizing the territory in 2007, need not recognize Israel, nor stop murdering Jews in Israel, nor […]

The sinister core of Israel bashing

  by Morton A. Klein and Daniel Mandel Disturbing, shocking and eye-opening. Israel attempts to legally prevent Iranian missiles and rockets from being delivered to Gaza, controlled by the internationally recognized terrorist group, Hamas; yet the world and media condemns the Jewish state and mourns the nine Hamas supporters who were killed by Israel in […]

Troubling Contrast: Turkey Votes Against Iran Sanctions – U.S. “Disappointed”; Israel Builds In J’Lem – U.S. “Condemns,” “Insulted” & “Affront”

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is perplexed by the striking and troubling contrast between the U.S. response to a damaging Turkish vote against a new U.N. Security Council sanctions bill on Iran and the U.S. reaction to Israel’s announcement of new construction in Jerusalem in March.   Responding to the Turkish vote, the […]

After Long ZOA Campaign, UC Irvine Earns ZOA’s Praise For Suspending Muslim Student Union

MSU Regularly Sponsored Anti-Semitic and Israel-Bashing Speakers and Programs         After a multi-year campaign by the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), the University of California, Irvine has earned the ZOA’s strong praise by finally suspending the Muslim Student Union, a registered student group on campus.  For years, the Muslim Student Union has […]

ZOA Condemns UC Irvine For Continued Whitewashing of Muslim Student Union’s Wrongdoing, Despite Evidence of Fundraising For Terrorist Group Hamas

UC President Yudof Supports Irvine’s Whitewash       The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) condemns the University of California, Irvine for once again irresponsibly whitewashing the misconduct of the Muslim Student Union, a registered student group on campus – despite the University’s finding that the Muslim Student Union engaged in unauthorized fundraising on campus […]

ZOA Opposes Obama’s $400 Million Aid Increase To $1.3 Billion To Abbas’ Anti-Peace P.A.

  Aid increase despite Abbas refusing direct talks with Israel         The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) opposes the Obama Administration’s $400 million increase in aid to the unreconstructed, anti-peace Fatah-controlled Palestinian Authority (PA) of Mahmoud Abbas, bringing U.S. aid up to $1.3 billion this year, DOUBLE THE AMOUNT President George W. […]

ZOA: Obama’s New U.N. Sanctions Against Iran Too Weak To Work

  The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is deeply concerned that the new Iran sanctions resolution shepherded through the United Nations Security Council by the Obama Administration are too weak to affect the Iranian regime and thereby deter it from continuing on its path to acquiring nuclear weapons. The ZOA is concerned by the fact […]