Category News
Palestinian Authority Media & Officials Still Praising Terrorists As Heroes And Urging Israel’s Destruction

NEW YORK – While Western media reports are claiming that the Palestinian Authority has stopped inciting against Israel, the PA-controlled media and senior PA officials are still praising terrorists as “heroes” and urging the destruction of Israel, the Zionist Organization of America points out. Itamar Marcus, director of Palestinian Media Watch, notes that “in the […]

PLO Chief Abbas Recommends “Tactics Of First Intifada” (I.E., Stabbings And Firebombings) Instead Of “Live Weaponry”

NEW YORK- While Western media reports are praising the statement by PLO chairman Mahmoud Abbas (“Abu Mazen”) opposing the use of “live weaponry” by Palestinian Arabs, little attention has been paid to the fact that in the same statement, Abbas recommended a revival of tactics such as stabbings, firebombings, and stonings. In an interview with […]

At ZOA Dinner In NYC, U.S. Sen. Sam Brownback Pledges To Fight For Moving U.S. Embassy To Jerusalem

Over 800 People Attended NEW YORK- More than 800 people attended the Zionist Organization of America’s national dinner in New York City on December 12, 2004, at which the keynote speaker, U.S. Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS), pledged to work for implementation of the 1995 law requiring the construction of a U.S. embassy in Jerusalem. Brownback, […]

ZOA Protests Bush Administration Official’s Reported Statement That All Jews Beyond Fence Must Be Transferred Out

NEW YORK- The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is asking the Bush administration to clarify whether National Security Council official Elliot Abrams was articulating official U.S. policy when he reportedly said that all of the Jews living beyond the security fence in Judea and Samaria should be transferred out. The Israeli daily Ma’ariv and radio […]

PLO Chief Abbas Again Demands “Right Of Return” – Would Mean Flooding Israel With Millions Of Arabs

NEW YORK- Palestinian Arab leader Mahmoud Abbas (“Abu Mazen”) has again demanded the “right of return” — the right of millions of Arab “refugees” from around the world to flood into Israel. Abbas is Arafat’s successor as chairman of the PLO. He co-founded the terrorist Fatah movement with Arafat, and is Fatah’s candidate in the […]

Post-Arafat Palestinian Authority Backs Hezbollah TV Station Despite Its Anti-Semitism And Massacres Of Americans

NEW YORK- In another demonstration of the post-Arafat Palestinian Authority’s hostility towards both Jews and America, the PA is opposing France’s decision to ban a television station operated by the Hezbollah terrorist group after it aired anti-Semitic statements. In addition to its murders of hundreds of Israelis over the years, Hezbollah carried out the 1983 […]

Koby Mandell Act Passes Congress: Opens Justice Dept. Office To Capture All Foreigners, Including Palestinian Arabs, Who Have Murdered Americans Overseas

ZOA Launched 3-YearCampaign Beginning in 2001NEW YORK – The Koby Mandell Act, named for a 13-year old American citizen murdered in Tekoa, Israel by a Palestinian Arab, has passed both houses of Congress. It is part of the FY2005 Omnibus Bill that will soon be signed by President Bush. This bill, initiated by the Zionist […]

State Dept Says It Will “Work With” Convicted Terrorist Barghouti If He Wins Election – But U.S. Law Prohibits Contact With Him

NEW YORK- The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is deeply concerned by the State Department spokesman’s statement that the U.S. “will work with” Marwan Barghouti if he is elected chairman of the Palestinian Authority — even though U.S. law would prohibit any contact with Barghouti since he is the leader of an organization which is […]

Op-Ed: The “Moderation” of the Palestinian’s New Leader – Mahmoud Abbas by Morton A. Klein, National President of the ZOA

by Morton A. Klein, National President of the ZOA Mahmoud Abbas, who has succeeded Yasser Arafat as chairman of the PLO, is no moderate. As co-founder with Arafat of the terrorist Fatah group and as Arafat’s number two-man in the PLO for more than 40 years, Abbas was the architect of numerous mass murder terrorist […]

No, Mr. President, “Palestinian Democracy” Is Not The “Heart Of The Matter” – A Terrorist Who Gets Elected Is Still A Terrorist

NEW YORK- The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has taken issue with President Bush’s statement that “the heart of the matter” between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs is “the need for a Palestinian democracy.” The ZOA points out that a terrorist who gets elected is still a terrorist — and the two leading candidates in […]