Category News
PA Continues Honoring Killers Of Americans By Naming Schools, Streets & Squares After Them

NEW YORK- The Palestinian Authority is continuing to honor Palestinian Arab murderers of Americans by naming schools, streets, and public squares after them. The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is urging the Bush administration to immediately halt America’s $100-million in annual aid to the Palestinian Arabs until all names of killers of Americans are removed […]

Largest Federation Newspaper Endorses Koby Mandell Act, To Help Capture Palestinian Arab Killers Of Americans

36 Americans Murderedby Palestinian Arabs Since ‘93 NEW YORK – The New York Jewish Week, the largest Federation-sponsored newspaper in the United States, has endorsed the Koby Mandell Act, legislation that would help facilitate the capture and prosecution of Palestinian Arab killers of Americans. In an editorial (Aug.9, 2002), the Jewish Week stated: “While the […]

ZOA Report On “Two Months Since Bush Speech”: Palestinian Arabs Not Meeting Bush’s Conditions

NEW YORK- A new report by the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has found that during the two months since President Bush’s major Middle East policy speech, the Palestinian Arabs have not fulfilled any of the conditions that the president set forth before the U.S. will support creation of a Palestinian Arab state. For a […]

ZOA Strongly Praises Defense Secretary Rumsfeld For Distancing Himself From The Term “Occupied Territory”

Rumsfeld Also Says PA Involved in Terrorism ZOA Strongly Praises Defense Secretary Rumsfeld For Distancing Himself From The Term “Occupied Territory” NEW YORK- The Zionist Organization of America has strongly praised Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld for publicly distancing himself from the term “occupied territory” (in reference to the Judea-Samaria-Gaza territories that Israel captured in self-defense […]

ZOA Praises Bush Administration’s Position That U.N. Security Council Resolutions Must Condemn Arab Terror

NEW YORK – The Zionist Organization of America has praised the Bush administration’s position that it will veto all future U.N. Security Council resolutions concerning Israel unless they condemn Palestinian Arab terrorism against Israel. The U.S. ambassador to the U.N., John Negroponte, recently announced that the U.S. will not consider supporting any future Security Council […]

ZOA Agrees With Senator Schumer: Extradite Hamas Terrorists To U.S. To Stand Trial

36 Americans Murderedby Palestinian Arabs Since ‘93 NEW YORK – The Zionist Organization of America strongly supports the call by U.S. Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) for the Bush administration to demand that the Palestinian Authority surrender Hamas terrorist leader Sheik Ahmed Yassin and other Palestinian Arab killers of Americans so they can be brought to […]

Five More Americans Murdered By Palestinian Arabs; State Department Is Silent On Arafat Sheltering Killers

Movement in CongressAgainst Arab Killers NEW YORK – The terrorists who massacred five Americans in the bombing of Hebrew University this week are being sheltered by Yasir Arafat’s Palestinian Authority regime—and, as has been the case with other Arab killers of Americans, the State Department is refusing to demand that the PA surrender them to […]

ZOA Backgrounder: The Legal Right of Israel’s Strike on Salah Shehade by Morton Klein, National President of the ZOA and Robert Jancu, Associate Executive Director

A single Israeli missile successfully aimed at Hamas terror-monger Salah Shehade on July 22, 2002 also killed 15 Palestinian civilians. For these collateral deaths, Israel has come under withering international criticism, including claims that the action was a crime under international laws protecting civilians in occupied land. Such legal claims are inaccurate. As part of […]

Are the Palestinian Arabs Fulfilling President Bush’s Conditions for Statehood? A Survey of Week #5: July 23 – July 29, 2002

THE BUSH PLAN: On June 24, 2002, President Bush set forth the conditions that the Palestinian Arabs must fulfill in order to merit U.S. support for the creation of a Palestinian Arab state. Among the major obligations are that the Palestinian Arabs must “dismantle the terrorist infrastructure,” “end incitement,” “elect new leaders not compromised by […]

ZOA Concerned About Bush Administration’s New Pressure On Israel For Concessions

Pressuring IsraelRewards Terrorists NEW YORK- The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has expressed its concern and disappointment at the latest indications that the Bush administration is pressuring Israel to make more one-sided concessions—even before the Palestinian Arabs have fulfilled any of the conditions he spelled out in his June 24 speech. The Israeli daily Ha’aretz […]