Category News
ZOA Helping American Victims Of Foreign Terrorism Obtain Free Legal Assistance

NEW YORK The Zionist Organization of American Center for Law & Justice (ZOA-CLJ) has begun a special project to secure voluntary legal assistance for American victims of foreign terrorism. The new pro bono program, called Project Light of Justice, will help obtain compensation for American victims of terrorist violence. Project Light of Justice will connect […]

Palestinian Authority Names City Square In Honor Of Iraqi Suicide Bomber Who Murdered 4 Americans

New Prime Minister ContinuesOld Policy of Glorifying Killers NEW YORK- The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is urging the Bush administration to refrain from inviting the Palestinian Authority’s new prime minister, Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), to the White House, in response to the PA’s decision to rename a city square in honor of the Iraqi […]

ZOA Praises ADL For Denouncing Palestinian Arab Distorter Of Holocaust, But Is Troubled By ADL’s Praising The Palestinian Authority’s New Prime Minister, Who Denies The Holocaust

NEW YORK- The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has praised the Anti-Defamation for denouncing a Palestinian Authority official for minimizing the Holocaust—a surprise move by the ADL, since just eight days ago, the ADL publicly praised the appointment of Mahmoud Abbas as prime minister of the PA, even though Abbas denies the Holocaust and recently […]

ZOA President Speaks To U.S. Senate Group On Rising Anti-Semitism On College Campuses

NEW YORK- Morton A. Klein, National President of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), this week made a presentation before a U.S. Senate group on the problem of rising anti-Semitism on American college campuses. The ZOA president spoke at a special meeting of the Senate Republican Conference, in the Capitol building on March 26, 2003. […]

PA Television Again Broadcasts Sermon Expressing Hope That “Americans Will Drown In Their Blood”

NEW YORK- Official Palestinian Authority Television has again broadcast a sermon expressing hope that “Americans will drown in their blood” —yet another blatant violation of the conditions that President Bush established in his June 24, 2002 speech. President Bush said in his June 24, 2002 speech that the Palestinian Arabs must “end incitement to violence […]

ZOA Co-Sponsors N.Y. Rally Supporting Bush Administration’s Efforts Against Saddam

ZOA Supports Bush’sEfforts Against Iraq NEW YORK- The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), the Christian Coalition, and the New York chapter of Free Republic, co-sponsored Sunday’s mass rally in New York City supporting the Bush administration’s efforts to oust the terrorist regime of Saddam Hussein. The ZOA is the first major American Jewish organization to […]

Bush’s Position That Road Map Is “Non-Negotiable” Contradicts His Pledge Not To Impose Solution On Israel

NEW YORK- The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has expressed its strong disappointment at the Bush administration’s statement that the “Road Map” plan is “non-negotiable” a position that clearly contradicts President Bush’s previous pledge that he would not impose a solution on Israel. State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said on March 19, 2003: “The document […]

PA Television Broadcasts Sermon Calling For Destruction Of America & Israel

NEW YORK- Official Palestinian Authority Television has broadcast a sermon calling for the destruction of America and Israel —yet another blatant violation of the conditions that President Bush established in his June 24, 2002 speech. President Bush said in his June 24, 2002 speech that the Palestinian Arabs must “end incitement to violence in official […]

Are the Palestinian Arabs Fulfilling President Bush’s Conditions for Statehood? A Survey of Week #38: March 11, 2003 – March 17, 2003

THE BUSH PLAN: On June 24, 2002, President Bush set forth the conditions that the Palestinian Arabs must fulfill in order to merit U.S. support for the creation of a Palestinian Arab state. Among the major obligations are that the Palestinian Arabs must “dismantle the terrorist infrastructure,” “end incitement,” “elect new leaders not compromised by […]

Two More U.S. Citizens Murdered By Palestinian Arab Terrorists–39 Americans Killed Since 1993

Koby Mandell Act Neededto Capture the Killers NEW YORK – The murder of two more U.S. citizens in Israel by Palestinian Arab terrorists brings to 39 the number of American citizens murdered by Palestinian Arab terrorists since the signing of the 1993 Oslo accords. The latest victims were Rabbi Eli & Dina (Debbie) Horowitz. Eli […]