Category News
ZOA To Cheney: Meeting Arafat Would Reward Him For Ordering The Murder Of Jews

Gives $25,000 toFamilies of Suicide Bombers NEW YORK – The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is urging Vice President Dick Cheney to refrain from meeting Yasir Arafat, since such a meeting would, in effect, reward Arafat’s ongoing policy of ordering his terrorist forces to murder Jews. In a telegram to Vice President Cheney, ZOA National […]

At D.C. Press Conference On Thursday, Members Of Congress Will Speak Out Against Pressure On Israel

Let Israel Defend Itself WASHINGTON, D.C.- Prominent Members of Congress, and Jewish and Christian leaders will hold an emergency press conference on Thursday in Washington to speak out against pressure on Israel and affirm that America and Israel are facing a common enemy in the fight against terrorism. The press conference is being sponsored by […]

Captured DFLP Members Admit Terrorism; ZOA Urges Bush To Put DFLP On Terror List

Clinton Was Wrong toTake DFLP Off the Terror List NEW YORK – Six members of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), which was removed from the U.S. list of terror groups in 1999, have admitted to carrying out numerous recent terrorist attacks in Israel, prompting the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) to […]

More Evidence That “Al-Aksa Martyrs” Terrorists Are Part Of Arafat’s Fatah

“Al Aksa” KillersTake Orders From Arafat NEW YORK – A senior official of Yasir Arafat’s Palestinian Authority has publicly confirmed that the “Al-Aksa Martyrs Brigade” —which has claimed responsibility for numerous terrorist attacks against Israel— is part and parcel of Arafat’s Fatah movement. The Israeli daily Ha’aretz reports (March 18, 2002) that Jibril Rajoub, chief […]

Saudi Government Newspaper Says Jews Bake Blood Of Non-Jews Into Their Purim Pastries

NEW YORK – Reviving a medieval blood libel that led directly to massacres of Jews, a Saudi Arabian government newspaper has published an article claiming that Jews murder non-Jews in order to use their blood in the baking of pastries for the Purim holiday. The two-part article about “the Jewish vampires,” which appeared in the […]

ZOA Agrees With Peres & New Republic: Stationing “Monitors” In Territories Would Harm Israel

NEW YORK- The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) agrees With Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres and The New Republic that any outside ‘monitors” used to monitor Israeli and Palestinian Authority actions would inevitably be biased against Israel. According to the New York Times (March 12, 2002), the Bush administration is proposing to send American personnel […]

Terrorist Group “Al-Aksa Martyrs Brigade” Is Part Of Arafat’s Fatah

Al Aksa” KillersTake Orders From Arafat NEW YORK – In response to media reports that the State Department is considering adding the “Al-Aksa Martyrs Brigade” —which has claimed responsibility for numerous terrorist attacks against Israel— to the U.S. terror list, the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) points out that this would be an important step […]

ZOA Criticizes Bush Statements Chastising Israel And Promoting Creation Of An Arafat State

NEW YORK – The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has criticized President Bush’s statements denouncing Israel’s self-defense measures as “not helpful” and promoting the creation of a Palestinian Arab state, which inevitably would be a terrorist state. President Bush’s remarks come on the heels of his March 7 statement that Israel is “allowing violence to […]

Financial Rewards To Families Of Palestinian Arab Suicide Bombers Increased From $10,000 To $25,000

Paying to Murder Jews NEW YORK – As U.S. envoy Anthony Zinni prepares to travel to the Middle East to help put an end to terrorism, Yasir Arafat’s Palestinian Authority is further promoting terrorism by expanding its program of providing payments to families of suicide bombers. Until now, the PA has been providing a one […]

U.N. Chief Kofi Annan Is Wrong; There Is No “Israeli Occupation”

NEW YORK – The statement by United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan condemning what he called “the Israeli occupation” is wrong, the Zionist Organization of America points out. In fact, there is no “Israeli occupation.” The term “occupation” was used by Kofi Annan, and is used by others, to indicate that Israel has no right to […]