Category News
Arafat’s Official Radio Calls America “The Country Of Brutality”

ZOA: U.S. Should EndRelations With Arafat NEW YORK- Yasir Arafat’s official radio station has broadcast a sermon denouncing America as “the country of brutality.” The sermon, which was delivered at the Al Aksa Mosque in Jerusalem and broadcast on the PA’s official Voice of Palestine Radio on February 15, 2002, included these statements: “Let us […]

Palestinian Arabs Murder 2 More U.S. Citizens And Wound 6 In Latest Wave Of Attacks

ZOA to Bush: Tell Arafat toHand Over Killers to U.S. NEW YORK – Two more American citizens were murdered, and six wounded, in the latest wave of Palestinian Arab terrorist attacks in Israel. The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is urging the Bush administration to pressure Yasir Arafat to hand over all Palestinian Arab terrorists […]

New ZOA Report Exposes Arafat’s Two Faces–Speaking “Peace” To The West, While Urging Arabs To Wage War Against Israel

As Israeli Prime Minister Arrives in Washington New ZOA Report Exposes Arafat’s Two Faces—Speaking “Peace” To The West, While Urging Arabs To Wage War Against Israel JERUSALEM – As Israel’s prime minister visits Washington, the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has released a new report documenting the two faces of Palestinian Authority chairman Yasir Arafat—how […]

Op-Ed: Hatred of Israel, Not Poverty, Causes Arab Terrorism by Morton A. Klein, National President of the ZOA

It is widely assumed that poverty is a prime factor in motivating Palestinian Arabs to become terrorists—that material deprivation makes young Arabs feel desperate, which leads them to terrorism. This theory is the reasoning behind the nearly $1-billion the U.S. has given to the Palestinian Arabs since 1994, and the even larger amounts that the […]

Egyptian Government Publication Reprints Nazi Article Saying “Jews Are Vampires”

More Reason to Halt$2.1-Billion in U.S. Aid to Egypt NEW YORK – An Egyptian government newspaper has reprinted an anti-Jewish forgery that first appeared in Nazi Germany in 1935, describing Jews as “vampires.” In its January 9, 2002 issue, the Egyptian government weekly Akher Sa’a printed an article by Salah Al-Din Hilmi, titled “The Jews […]

Arafat Aide Admits That The PLO Covenant Was Never Changed

NEW YORK- A senior official of Yasir Arafat’s Palestine National Council has admitted that despite Arafat’s promises, the PLO National Covenant has never been changed. The 1993 Oslo accords required Arafat to remove from the Covenant all clauses calling for violence or the destruction of Israel. Thirty of the 33 clauses would have to be […]

Arafat Again Urges Palestinian Arabs: “Jihad, Jihad, Jihad, Jihad, Jihad!”

ZOA: U.S. Should EndRelations With Arafat NEW YORK – Yasir Arafat has again urged the Palestinian Arabs to continue waging “Jihad” (Islamic holy war) against Israel. In a speech to a delegation of Palestinian Arab leaders from Hebron, which was broadcast on official PA Television on January 26, 2002, Arafat said: “Yes, brothers, with our […]

Arafat’s Palestinian Authority Calls America “The Enemy” And “Supporter Of Fascists And Mafias”

ZOA: U.S. Should End Relations With Arafat Arafat’s Palestinian Authority Calls America “The Enemy” And “Supporter Of Fascists And Mafias” NEW YORK- A stream of anti-American statements have been circulated by Yasir Arafat’s official media in recent days. An article in the official Palestinian Authority newspaper Al-Hayat Al-Jadidah, on Jan. 28, 2002, stated: “America from […]

State Deparment’s Outrageous New Policy: Won’t Mention Names Of Palestinian Arab Killers Of Americans

NEW YORK- A new State Department report has revealed what may be the most outrageous position the State Department has yet taken with regard to Palestinian Arab killers of Americans: it will refrain from ever publicly mentioning the names of the suspects in such killings. In other cases of terrorism against Americans overseas, the State […]

Saudi Arabia Financing Illegal Construction Of Empty Arab Homes In Jerusalem To Take Over City

NEW YORK – An Israeli cabinet minister has revealed that Saudi Arabia is secretly financing a campaign by Yasir Arafat’s Palestinian Authority to illegally build thousands of homes in various parts of Jerusalem, is order to strengthen the Arab claim to the city. Israeli cabinet minister Natan Sharansky said at a meeting of Jewish leaders […]