Category Press Release
ZOA Analysis: Israeli Pres. Herzog’s Speech to Congress – Important Positives, But a Few Concerns

ZOA Praises Congress Passing A Resolution (412-9) Condemning Ugly, False and Absurd Mischaracterizations of Israel By Jew-Hating Israel Bashers  Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein released the following analysis: ZOA was delighted to see the fabulous bipartisan reception that Congress gave to Israeli President Isaac Herzog’s speech on Wednesday. We also strongly […]

ZOA Opposes PM Netanyahu Freezing Building in Judea/Samaria and Slowing Judicial Reform for Meeting with Biden at the UN

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) National President Morton A. Klein released the following statement:  The ZOA is dismayed at the reports that, in exchange for the promise of a long-overdue meeting with President Joe Biden, at the UN, not even the White House, Prime Minister Netanyahu pledged to a one-sided freeze of Jewish construction in […]

ZOA Endorses No Candidates But I Must State That I Know Robert Kennedy, Jr. & He Is A Friend Of Israel And The Jewish People

Morton A. Klein released the following statement: I know Bobby Kennedy, Jr., Bobby Kennedy, Jr. is a friend of mine; he is no antisemite, he is a philo-Semite. I know that he loves, respects and admires the Jewish people and the Jewish State of Israel, as did his father and his uncle President John Kennedy, […]

ZOA Appalled by Biden’s Latest “Extreme” Attacks on Israel’s Elected Government and Jewish Rights to Build Homes in the Jewish Heartland

Biden Doesn’t Appropriately Call Palestinian Regime’s Terrorist Dictatorship Extreme or Condemn Palestinian Building in Judea/Samaria Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) National President Morton A. Klein and ZOA Director of Special Projects Liz Berney, Esq. released the following statement: In a CNN television interview on July 9, 2023, President Biden criticized Israel’s duly elected government as […]

ZOA Praises New Hampshire’s Executive Order Joining 36 Other States Opposing BDS – But Legislative Action Needed to Guarantee Exec. Order’s Permanence

The Zionist Organization of America thanks and commends New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu for issuing an executive order this week that makes his state the 37th U.S. state to officially combat the anti-Jewish and anti-Israel BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) Movement. Sununu’s executive order notes: “Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no executive branch agency […]

Terrorist Lawyer Who Condemned Israel, Defended 9/11, Now Sets Biden Immigration Policy | World Israel News

By Daniel Greenfield, Front Page Magazine (JUNE 9, 2023 /WIN) “This is not a battle of good versus evil,” Ramzi Kassem wrote in an op-ed that appeared on September 17, 2001. “The perpetrators were probably not driven to their actions by some intrinsic evil or inherent hatred of the good United States.” He went on […]

Biden’s State Dept. and Amb. Nides Wrongly Criticize Israel Yet Won’t Publicly Condemn Palestinian Murderers, Murder-Inciter Abbas, and PA’s “Pay to Slay”

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) National President Morton A. Klein released the following statement: The Biden State Department and outgoing U.S. Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides continue to illegally, hypocritically and wrongly threaten, harass, bully, insult, patronize, demean, blame and pressure Israel. Meanwhile, the Biden administration refuses to condemn Palestinian Arab terrorists by name; remained […]

OP-ED ZOA Calls on Biden to Rescind ‘Horrific’ Anti-Israel Holocaust Museum Council Appointments

By Joshua Klein (JUNE 29, 2023 / BREITBART) The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is calling on President Joe Biden to rescind the recent “horrific” appointments of leaders of anti-Israel groups to the Holocaust Museum Council — whose founding principles insist on “support for a Jewish homeland.” Zionist Organization of America head Morton Klein blasted […]

ZOA Praises PM Netanyahu for Opposing Creation of Palestinian Arab (Terrorist Dictatorship) State

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) National President Morton A. Klein and ZOA Director of Research and Special Projects Liz Berney, Esq. released the following statement: ZOA strongly praises Israel’s longest-serving prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu for clearly opposing the creation of a Palestinian Arab (terrorist dictatorship ) state yesterday. PM Netanyahu stated and repeated during a […]