Category ZOA in the news
ZOA Mort Klein Interview with the JEWISH PRESS

Morton Klein, national president of the Zionist Organization of America, took the helm of a declining organization in 1993 and blew new life into it with his robust championing of Israel. In an interview with The Jewish Press, Klein shared his views and visions concerning the ZOA and Israel. The Jewish Press: How did you […]

ZOA’s Mort Klein Scores First Jewish Meeting With Trump Officials

Signaling new priorities in dealing with the Jewish organized world, the new Trump administration made the Zionist Organization of America as the first Jewish group it will formally engage with. According to Axios White House aide Anthony Scaramucci, who serves as assistant to the president, will meet in New York with Morton Klein, president of […]

Occupied Territories? Hebrew Origins of Palestinian Arab Towns in Judea-Samaria

With the approval of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334, which declares as illegal any Israeli presence beyond the 1967 “Green Line” — including the Old City of Jerusalem and its Temple Mount (Judaism’s holiest site) and the Mount of Olives cemetery where Jews have been burying their dead for more than 3,000 years […]

ZOA Quoted in Exponent on Friedman Ambassador Appointment

With Congress back in session, Jewish organizations on both the left and right are gearing up to mobilize support or opposition in the Senate to David Friedman, President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee as ambassador to Israel. With a Republican majority in the upper chamber, it is likely that Friedman, a New York bankruptcy lawyer and personal […]

French Jewish Leader Says ZOA Pro-Israel Efforts Needed in France

French Jews decried Sunday’s Mideast peace summit in Paris, attended by diplomats from more than 70 countries, on the grounds that it encouraged Palestinian intransigence at Israel’s expense. Yonathan Arfi, vice president of France’s umbrella Jewish organization Conseil Représentatif des Institutions Juives de France (CRIF) – which, along with other groups, held a rally in front of […]

ZOA in Israel National News on Anti-Semitic UN Resolution

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein has issued a call urging that pending Senate Resolutions, such as the recent Senate Resolution 6 Condemning UN Security Council Resolution 2334, must not promote “the dangerous so-called two-state solution”. Klein said that the ZOA “very much appreciates and praises the U.S. Senate’s desire to condemn […]

ZOA Board Member Cliff Rieders Op-Ed on Obama Bigotry in PA Sun Gazette

President Obama has urged us to have a conversation about race, ever since he became President. So let’s do that. Is it possible that the president is a bigot? Let’s look at the facts. Whenever policemen and white people have been shot, murdered or ambushed, the president has remained quiet. However, when African-Americans and minorities […]

ZOA’s Pavilack Quoted in Pittsburgh Paper on Israel and the New Administration

Janet Mostow considers herself “right in the middle” when it comes to her views on Israel. She has a daughter who has made aliyah and she is an AIPAC supporter. She is in favor a two-state solution and is against settlement expansion in the West Bank, but not necessarily in Jerusalem. She is a Democrat […]

ZOA’s Klein on JBS TV Discussing UN Security Council Res. and Kerry Response

CLICK TO FOLLOW LINK TO JBS TV BROADCAST Mort Klein, President of the ZOA (Zionist Organization of America), discusses the Obama Administration’s abstention on an anti-settlement resolution in the U.N. Security Council and responds to Sec. John Kerry’s justification.  With Mark S. Golub.

ZOA in Haaretz: Kerry Incites/Legitimizes Anti-Jewish Violence

The Zionist Organization of America has accused U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry of inciting the Arab world to anti-Jewish and anti-Israel violence by warning against the possible ramifications of moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, as President-elect Donald Trump has repeatedly vowed to do. ZOA President Morton Klein said in a statement: […]