Category ZOA in the news
ZOA Philly Dinner Honors Journalist Andrew C. McCarthy for his Pro-Israel Voice

It seems that no matter what side of the political spectrum you fall on, this year’s presidential election is a bizarre one. “This is the most unique election that we’ve certainly had in modern history,” remarked a bemused Andrew C. McCarthy. Usually hesitant to make sweeping statements like that, McCarthy — a contributing editor and […]

ZOA’s Mort Klein Speech on Islam and West at LA Conference Keynoted by Amb. Bolton

Morton Klein gives a brilliant presentation on the effects of Islam on popular culture and dispels the myths of “Islamophobia”. This video is from the speaker series which took place on August 31st at the Luxe Hotel on August 31st in Los Angeles as part of the “Can Islam Coexist with Western Civilization” series.   […]

ZOA’s Klein Letter in Jewish Exponent Expressing Concern About ADL Actions

To the Editor: The regional chair of the Anti-Defamation League attacked both freedom of speech and the ZOA while utilizing serious inaccuracies (“Printing Attack on ADL Unjustified,” Aug. 11). Firstly, she opposes the Exponent’s right to publish legitimate criticism by the ZOA of the ADL, writing that she “was puzzled and chagrined that the Exponent […]

ZOA Michigan Leader Greenstein Letter about Islam in Detroit Jewish News

Beating Back Radical Islam Contributing editor Robert Sklar’s Aug. 18 essay “Can Israel Overcome Palestinian Religious Decree” (page 6) was interesting. Unfortunately, the “elephant in the room” is political Islam. You can’t have peace when you teach your children to hate, and that ties to political Islam (Sharia law). Over a year and a half […]

ZOA’s Tuchman Op-Ed in Detroit Jewish News

With many of us sending our children off to college soon, we must all be aware of a painful truth: Some or our kids will face anti-Semitic harassment on their campuses. Last month, AMCHA Initiative, a group that documents campus anti-Semitism, released a study showing “an alarming spike in campus anti-Semitism” in the first half […]

ZOA Israel Moves on Judea and Samaria Rights According to International Law

The discussion of sovereignty is now also heard on the other side of the ocean, but in order for it to take on real momentum we need Israeli statesmen to speak clearly about it. Jeff Daube, ZOA Israel Director and co-chair of “Legal Grounds” is working to provide legal and other tools to Israeli politicians […]

ZOA and 7 Other Groups Urge UCLA Chancellor to Stop Bullying of Student Leader for His Efforts to Stay Neutral on BDS

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) and a coalition of seven other national organizations sent a ZOA-authored letter last Monday to UCLA Chancellor Gene Block, urging him to finally put a stop to the months-long bullying campaign that has been waged against Milan Chatterjee, a UCLA law student and the former president of the Graduate […]

OP-ED BY: Morton A. Klein ZOA Op-Ed in Exponent: ADL’s Acceptance of Johnson Apology Unconscionable

It’s wrong for the Anti-Defamation League to have failed to condemn as blatant anti-Semitism Rep. Hank Johnson’s “termites” label for Jews living in Judea and Samaria. It’s also wrong for the ADL to have accepted Johnson’s phony apology tweet. Johnson, a Georgia Democrat, merely tweeted, “Poor choice of words — apologies for offense. Point is […]

Sunday NY Times Educ. Section Cites ZOA Work Fighting Campus Anti-Semitism

What some see as a celebration of culture through food, others see as a political statement, and an offensive one at that. Just slip an Israeli flag on a toothpick. To the Tufts chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine, last fall’s Taste of Israel was appropriation, pure and simple. “I don’t think the Palestinian […]

OP-ED BY: Morton A. Klein ZOA Op-Ed in LA Jewish Journal Opposing AIPAC Event Which Included Anti-Israel Group

It is appalling that the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) organized and conducted a panel discussion event for visiting rabbis in Jerusalem last month that gave a platform to the vicious anti-Israel propaganda group “Breaking the Silence” (“BtS”). Breaking the Silence is notorious for inventing and publishing throughout the world (and providing to the […]