Category ZOA in the news
OP-ED Biden Giving Iran $6 Billion Will Only Lead to More Terrorism: ZOA’s Mort Klein’s Israel Hayom Op-ed

No one believes for a moment that Iran’s mullahs will use billions of dollars of new wealth for humanitarian purposes. By Morton A. Klein, ZOA National President (AUGUST 15, 2023 / ISRAEL HAYOM) The Zionist Organization of America strongly criticizes the Biden administration’s giving billions of dollars to the terrorist Islamic Republic of Iran. In […]

OP-ED Workers Circle Quits Conference of Presidents – ZOA Quoted – JNS

By Menachem Wecker (AUGUST 2, 2023 / JNS) The Workers Circle, a 122-year-old progressive Jewish nonprofit known in earlier days as the Workmen’s Circle, notified the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations that it is resigning its membership, as of Aug. 2. It cited the conference’s “failure to condemn the Israeli parliament’s recent steps to […]

OP-ED ZOA Quoted on Judicial Reform Passage, U.S. Jewish Groups Pick Sides – JNS / European Jewish Press

By Menachem Wecker and David Swindle The American Jewish Committee referred to the democratically passed law as “pushed through” the Israeli legislature. (JULY 24, 2023 / JNS) The same day that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was released from the hospital after pacemaker surgery, the Knesset passed a key piece of the coalition’s judicial reform […]

OP-ED ZOA Calls on Biden to Rescind ‘Horrific’ Anti-Israel Holocaust Museum Council Appointments

By Joshua Klein (JUNE 29, 2023 / BREITBART) The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is calling on President Joe Biden to rescind the recent “horrific” appointments of leaders of anti-Israel groups to the Holocaust Museum Council — whose founding principles insist on “support for a Jewish homeland.” Zionist Organization of America head Morton Klein blasted […]

OP-ED ‘He Was an Ardent, Farbrente Zionist,’ Mort Klein Says of Late Singer/Actor Ed Ames – JNS

By Menachem Wecker (JUNE 5, 2023 / JNS) Some 15 or 20 years ago, Mort Klein, national president of the Zionist Organization of America, saw a man who looked a lot like entertainer Ed Ames at an American Israel Public Affairs Committee policy conference in Washington. “He was tall. He stood out among everyone,” Klein […]