ZOA: Terminate Relations with Abbas/Fatah/Hamas P.A.
News Press Release
May 29, 2014

The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) has pointed to statements from top Hamas leaders indicating that the Fatah/Hamas reconciliation agreement does not mean a new Palestinian unity government for peace –– rather it means the extension of Hamas terrorism to Judea and Samaria from Gaza under a single PA regime.

  •  Khaled Mashaal, leader of the Hamas political bureau: “The reconciliation will actually consolidate the resistance … from one intifada to another until the liberation of Palestine.”
  •  Mahmoud Zahar, senior official in Hamas: Asked about the possibility that Hamas would disarm, “Who is this crazy guy who would be able to go to the resistance groups and ask them to hand over their weapons?” (Khaled Abu Toameh, ‘Hamas: We’ll Use Unity Accord To Move Terrorism To West Bank,’ Gatestone Institute, May 23, 2014).

 These statements only confirm the words of another top Hamas official, Hassan Yousef, who announced at the time of the reconciliation agreement, signed on April 23, that Hamas would not renounce its commitment to violence and the destruction of Israel, will not recognize Israel and “will not give up the resistance” [i.e. terrorism against Israelis] (Adam Kredo, ‘New Palestinian Government Refuses to Renounce Violence,’ Washington Free Beacon, April 23, 2014).

 Hamas calls in its Nazi-like Charter for the destruction of Israel (Article 15) and the worldwide murder of Jews (Article 7).

 Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat, according to reports “has said that Hamas has a right not to recognize Israel, and that it is a Palestinian group, not a terrorist one. (‘Saeb Erekat: Hamas is not a terrorist organisation,’ Middle East Monitor, April 27, 2014). Erekat has also said there is no difference in policy between Fatah and Hamas.

 Palestinian Authority (PA) president Mahmoud Abbas is seeking the support of the U.S. and European Union (EU) for the reconciliation agreement with the Islamist terrorist movement because his Palestinian Authority is almost entirely dependent on American and European financial aid. Abbas has claimed that there is “no contradiction” between the unity deal and the peace talks with Israel and that he remains committed to peace.

Hamas calls in its Nazi-like Charter for the destruction of Israel (Article 15) and the worldwide murder of Jews (Article 7).

 ZOA National President Morton A. Klein said, “By concluding a reconciliation agreement with  Hamas, a movement intent on a genocide of the Jews, Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah/PA has shown conclusively that it is not only not a peace partner, but an avowed enemy of Jews and the Jewish state. 

 “It is very telling that Abbas is wiling to have this alliance with Hamas, despite its continuing commitment to terrorism, the destruction of Israel and the murder of Jews.

  “As we have argued for many years now, we know from long, bitter experience that the PA is unlikely to accept even the most generous Israeli peace proposals, even ones that would endanger Israel, such as Ehud Barak’s 2000 peace offer or Ehud Olmert’s 2008 offer. Indeed, they have frustrated American attempts to bring about peace negotiations in recent months by adding new demands and also refused even to talk to Israel for almost the whole of the past five years.

  “Abbas’ PA has not fulfilled its commitments under the Oslo agreements to arrest terrorists, outlaw terrorist groups and end the incitement to hatred and murder in the PA-controlled media, mosques, schools and youth camps that helps fuel the conflict. It has repeatedly and explicitly refused to accept Israel’s existence as a Jewish state. Even without the Fatah/Hamas deal, talks with the Fatah/PA are devoid of purpose.

  “Until and unless the PA genuinely reforms itself to cleanse itself of terrorism and extremism, fights and jails terrorists and terminates the culture of hatred and rejection that helps fuel Palestinian violent rejection of the Jewish state of Israel, there is no prospect of peace. Is there now any prospect of these things happening when the Fatah/PA allies itself to Hamas? They have nailed their colors to the mast.

 “Khaled Mashaal’s statement leaves no doubt as to Hamas’ intention to continue and indeed expand the range of its terrorism against Israelis. And Mahmoud Zahar’s comments clearly underscore that the idea that any current Palestinian leader would actually fulfill the aforementioned Palestinian commitments under Oslo –– the commitments the U.S. and other nations are seeking –– is a fantasy.

 “On the strength of these Hamas statements alone, the Obama Administration and the governments of all free societies should terminate relations with the PA/Fatah/Hamas forthwith.”

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