ZOA Praises Spectacular Appointment of Amb. John Bolton to National Security Post
News Press Release
March 23, 2018

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein released the following statement:

The ZOA proudly and happily congratulates Ambassador John R. Bolton on his appointment to serve as President Trump’s National Security Advisor.  ZOA praises President Trump for making this wise, stellar appointment.  This appointment, like the president’s appointments of Secretary of State-nominee Mike Pompeo and Amb. Nikki Haley, show that President Trump is a confident, patriotic leader who chooses strong, brilliant patriotic advisors.  There couldn’t be a better choice than Amb. Bolton for these dangerous times when Iran and radical Islam are getting stronger. 

Ambassador Bolton has a broad and detailed knowledge of geopolitics, understands the Arab-Islamist war against Israel, understands that we must stop Iran by any means necessary, and is eminently qualified for the NSA post.  He is a consummate professional, and at the same time eschews political correctness. He courageously espouses the truth even if it’s not popular.

Amb. Bolton is a clear-thinking firm opponent of Iran’s nuclear and hegemonic ambitions and Iranian proxies Hezbollah and Hamas; and is an extraordinary supporter of a strong U.S. defense, efforts to combat radical Islam, fair treatment for Israel at the U.N. and elsewhere, Israel’s legitimate right and obligation to self-defense, and the U.S.-Israel alliance.  

ZOA and Morton Klein is proud to call Amb. Bolton our friend for many years.  We’ve stood together with Amb. Bolton at rallies, at ZOA events and in Congress.  In 2005, Ambassador Bolton received ZOA’s Defender of Israel Award, in honor of his outstanding work, and was the keynote speaker at ZOA’s gala dinner.  (“U.S. Ambassador To U.N. John Bolton At ZOA Dinner: It’s A Fantasy That Israel Is Treated Fairly At U.N.,” Dec. 13, 2005.)

A Yale-educated attorney, Amb. Bolton served as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations (2005-2006); Assistant Secretary for International Organization Affairs at the U.S. State Department (1989–1993); Assistant U.S. Attorney General; Assistant Administrator for Program and policy coordination, US AID (1982–1983); and US AID General Counsel (1981–1982).  He is involved with prominent think tanks and policy institutes.  

We recall and appreciate the following, among Amb. Bolton’s many achievements:

  • In November 2017, along with ZOA President Morton Klein, Amb. Dore Gold, and Prof. Eugene Kontorovich, Ambassador Bolton testified before Congress strongly  in favor of moving the U.S. Embassy to Israel’s capital Jerusalem.  (“ZOA’s Klein, Dore Gold, Bolton Testify on Jerusalem Before Congress,” Nov. 8, 2017.)  Among other things, Amb. Bolton powerfully explained why the U.S. must not succumb to terrorist threats regarding the embassy move, saying:  “What hurts us, is when we give in to unfounded pressure and intimidation.  Because it says something about the United States that we won’t do what’s purely common sense.  It’s harmful to us.  It’s harmful to Israel.  It’s harmful to the stability in the region.”  President Trump announced that the U.S. will relocate its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem four weeks after the Congressional hearing. 
  • In May 2015, ZOA Pres. Morton Klein introduced Amb. Bolton at a huge ZOA-Long Island event where Amb. Bolton dissected the impending catastrophic Iran deal.  Among other things, Amb. Bolton noted:  “Iran is not rushing to build one or two nuclear weapons.  They are building a broad and deep nuclear infrastructure, and are very capable when they make the decision to go ahead with weapons production, not just to build one or two weapons, but to produce scores or hundreds of nuclear weapons. . . . Iran knows that once sanctions are lifted formally, it will be very difficult to ever put them back into place.  Our negotiators talk about snap back sanctions, but cannot describe how these would occur.  There is no such thing as snapback sanctions.   The Iranians will violate this deal once the ink is dry, as they have violated every other agreement regarding nuclear weapons, beginning with the nuclear nonproliferation treaty.  The end result of the deal is to give Iran discretion as to when they decide to break out. . . . [Arguments about levels of uranium enrichment and numbers of centrifuges are irrelevant] because once you decide to allow a rogue state like Iran to have any uranium enrichment, you are giving them the basic tool to have a nuclear weapons program.” (“Huge Crowd Cheers Amb. John Bolton at ZOA Long Island Event Discussing Catastrophic Iran Deal,” May 7, 2015.)
  • In 1991, then-State Department Assistant Secretary Bolton coordinated the successful U.S.-led effort to pass UN General Assembly Resolution 46/86 (1991).  UNGA 46/86 revoked the infamous UN General Assembly Resolution 3379 (1975), which had obscenely called Zionism a form of racism.  Amb. Bolton proudly described this successful effort as a “highlight of my career” that removed “the greatest stain on the U.N.’s reputation.”
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